Survey Results: How Did You Get Your Job?

Want to get into publishing? A lot of people say it’s all about who you know–and the results of our survey support that belief. 35.5% of respondents heard about their current job via word of mouth. 9.6% found their position on the job board of a Web site like Publishers Marketplace, and 6% were recruited.

How did respondents hear about their first publishing job? Again, the main way is word of mouth, for 33.4%. But 18.1% of respondents got their first job through a newspaper listing. (When was the last time you saw a publishing job listed in the New York Times?)

“I sent out many letters, and a few publishers responded,” an editor at a large house told us. “This was 30+ years ago!”

Several respondents also told us that they got their first publishing positions through employment agencies, like the Lynne Palmer Agency and “Career Blazers Agency.” We know that the Lynne Palmer Agency still exists and are curious about whether it still works with those seeking entry-level jobs. Publishing newbies out there, did you consider a career agency when you were looking for your job And publishing vets, do you work with any career agencies or have you ever used one? Let us know in the comments.