Survey Results: Non-Work-Related Reading

As we noted in our original article, a lot of publishing people don’t have as much time as they’d like to read for fun because they’re too busy reading for work. “The work day never ends–‘so much to read’ is a blessing and a curse,” wrote one agent, while an editor described her heavy reading load as “too much of a good thing.”

Still, 34.3% of respondents find the time to read one or two non-work-related books a month. Here’s the rest of the breakdown:
0-1 non-work-related books: 17.4%
2-3: 22.4%
3-4: 13.1%
4-5: 3.2%
5+: 9.6%

Who are these champs who read at least 4 non-work-related books a month? Perhaps not surprisingly, 34.1% are agents and 25% are editors. They’d surely win a library summer-reading contest, if there were such a thing for adults.