At Simon & Schuster, Marysue Rucci will become publisher of Scribner on February 24, succeeding Nan Graham. Graham will remain at Scribner, acquiring new titles and editing her authors.
At Penguin Random House, Windy Dorresteyn has moved back to VP and deputy publisher of Ten Speed Graphic, licensing, Clarkson Potter Gift, and Compendium. At Anne Schwartz Books, VP & publisher Anne Schwartz will retire from her current role on February 1. She will transition to editor-at-large under the umbrella of Knopf Books For Young Readers.
At Hachette, senior director of marketing Saimah Haque and director of metadata strategy and consumer insights Laurel Stokes’s roles were eliminated as part of a reorganization in corporate marketing. At Grand Central, John Morgan has joined as executive editor. He was previously executive editor at Marvel Press, a division of Disney Publishing. Kate Ellsworth has joined as editor at Running Press.
At Macmillan, Lindsey Doyle has joined as supply chain inventory analyst.
At Sourcebooks, Tim Hall has joined as children’s art director. Christina Homola has joined as production specialist. Rachael Renner is taking on a new role as account fulfillment representative international. Carolynn Telesca has joined in the newly created role of VP of Bespoke Publishing operations. She was previously at Macmillan, as production and manufacturing lead for Fablelistik.
At New York Times Book Review, Laura Thompson has joined as a fact-checker. She was previously at New York magazine.
At Grove Atlantic, Jisu Kim has joined as sales and operations executive. Kim previously was senior manager of marketing, sales, and publicity at The Feminist Press.
At Scholastic, Eida del Risco has joined en Español as associate editor.
At Zando, Marina Padakis Lowry has joined as director of publishing operations. She was previously executive managing editor at Union Square & Co. Ash Tsai has joined as designer.
At Tokyopop, Owais Farooqui has joined as director of marketing and sales, reporting to COO and publisher Marc Visnick. He was previously at King Digital, Yahoo!, Atari, and Discovery Communications.
The American Booksellers Association has recommended Village Books owner Paul Hanson as a candidate for election to the board. Current board members Brien Lopez, Cynthia Compton, and Raquel Roque are running for reelection.
Running Wild appoints Reuben “Tihi” Hayslett following the departure of Rize acquisition editor, Cody Sisco.
At Hay House, Cheryl Segura has joined as senior acquisitions editor. She was previously editor at Wiley.
In Agency News…
At Calligraph, Leila Campoli has joined as principal agent. She was previously with Stonesong.
At Stonesong, Melissa Edwards has been promoted to executive vice president. Maria Ribas has been promoted to literary agent and executive editor of book packaging.
At Georges Borchardt, Pronoy Sarkar will join as agent. He was most recently senior editor at Little, Brown.
At Trident Media Group, CEO and co-founder Dan Strone resigned three weeks ago and officially leaves the agency on February 7. He can be reached at or (917) 685-0000. Foreign rights director Ana Ban departed shortly after Strone. Sam Birmingham will join as international rights director on February 3. Birmingham will join as international rights director. Office manager/human resources head Milana Amirgulova has also left the agency. Aurora Fernandez and Claire Romine are promoted to literary agent.
At David Black Literary Agency, Anagha Putrevu has been promoted to foreign rights agent.
At Looking Glass Literary & Media, Patricia Nelson has joined as senior agent. She was formerly with Marsal Lyon Literary Agency and takes her client list with her.
At Context Literary Agency, Monica Rodriguez has been promoted to agent.
At Penguin Random House, Jessica Cashman has been promoted to assistant director, foreign rights. Minhee Bae has been promoted to senior manager art operations. Daphne Chiang has been promoted to designer. Michael Morris has been promoted to art director, One World. Irene Ng, has been promoted to designer. At Ten Speed Press, Kauser Fahimuddin and Gabby Ureña Matos have been promoted to assistant editor. Rebecca Westall has been promoted to senior production manager on the adult reprint team. Jennifer Wong has been promoted to senior production manager for the Penguin Orange Group. Carolyn Williams has been promoted to senior editor at Doubleday. At Penguin Life and The Open Field, Nina Rodriguez-Marty has been promoted to executive editor, and Isabelle Alexander has been promoted to assistant editor. At Knopf, Sara Eagle has been promoted to director of marketing for Knopf and Knopf Cooks. At Crown, Natalie Muglia, has been promoted to associate, sales marketing. Alisse Goldsmith-Wissman has been promoted to publicity manager. Jordan Pace has been promoted to publicity manager. Marni Folkman has been promoted to associate publicist. Hope Hathcock has been promoted to associate publicist. Brianna Kusilek has been promoted to publicist. Rachel Parker has been promoted to publicist. At Ten Speed Press, Maggie Ramm has been promoted to designer. Lily Dondoshansky has been promoted to assistant editor, continuing to report to VP, executive editor Jason Kaufman and editor Cara Reilly.
At Hachette,Ruqayyah Daud has been promoted to senior editor. Milena Blue Spruce and Jessica Levine have been promoted to associate editor. At Pantheon, Denise Oswald is promoted to VP, editor-in-chief. Cynthia Lasky has been promoted to EVP, group sales director.
At Macmillan, Raymond Ernesto Colόn has been promoted to executive director, production. Amanda Gutierrez has been promoted to associate director, production. Jeremy Haiting has been promoted to senior manager, production. Jose Olivera has transferred to publishing operations as senior manager, production. Stephanie Torres has been promoted to manager, production. Amanda Schoonmaker has been promoted to senior director, contracts, legal. Melissa Golding has been promoted to associate director, contracts, legal.
At HarperCollins/Avon, Shannon Plackis has been promoted to senior editor. Madelyn Blaney and Allie Roche have been promoted to associate editor.
At Princeton University Press, Erik Beranek has been promoted to associate editor, paperbacks. Jaden Young has been promoted to production editor.
At Norton, Caroline Adams has been promoted to associate editor in the trade department. Haley Bracken has been promoted to associate editor at Liveright.
At Ingram Publisher Services, Lauren O’Donnell has been promoted to manager, marketing services.
At Sourcebooks, Heather Hall has been promoted to manager of editorial production for Bespoke Publishing.
At Scholastic, Julia Sabbagh was promoted to senior creative director licensing, proprietary, and Klutz. Vanessa Han was promoted to associate creative director.
At Candlewick, Holiday House, and Peachtree, Taylor Norman has been promoted to editorial director at Neal Porter Books, Sara DiSalvo has been promoted to assistant director of publicity. Rachel Kirby has been promoted to publicity manager. Stephanie Pando has been promoted to senior publicist.
Rebecca Yarros’s first week sales of ‘Onyx Storm’, the third volume in her Empryean series had a first printing of two million copies for its $32.99 deluxe edition, and according to Circana BookScan has sold nearly 1.1. million copies in its first week.
Karen Shapiro, publishing manager of the IP children’s editorial group at Sourcebooks and founding editorial director of Wonderland died at 57.
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