People Round Up, Mid March, 2025


At Simon & Schuster, under Scribner’s new publisher Marysue Rucci, the following reorganization has occurred: Maya Rutherford joins as VP of publicity. She was previously senior director of publicity at HarperCollins. The marketing team, led by Brianna Yamashita, VP of marketing, will report to Stu Smith. The editorial team reports to Kathy Belden. The Speakers Bureau, led by Erin Simpson, senior director, will move under corporate marketing, reporting to Wibke Grutjen, SVP and global marketing director.  Brian Belfiglio, director of publicity and marketing, has left the company. 


The Marysue Rucci Books imprint will continue until the end of 2025 with the Simon Element team. Moving forward, executive editor Emily Graff will acquire for both Simon Element and Scribner. Executive editor Anne Speyer moves to Scribner, reporting to Belden. Clare Maurer, senior publicity manager at Simon Element/Marysue Rucci Books, also moves to Scribner. Reporting to Rucci are Stu Smith, VP, deputy publisher; Kathy Belden, VP, editor-in-chief; Colin Harrison, VP, editorial director; and Jaya Miceli, senior art director.


At Simon & Schuster, Angie Tally is joining the independent sales team as field account manager, southeast.  Sonya Harris  is joining the special markets team in the newly created role of associate director of client sales. She was previously at Chronicle. Maverick Li has joined as data analyst, corporate marketing. 


At Hachette, Michael Shoults has joined as the newly created role of chief operating officer. Shoults will report to Matt Wright, CEO of HBGUS Distribution. Shoults was previously global head of supply chain for Heyday. Aparna Rishi has joined as executive director, consumer engagement and marketing operations, on the marketing strategy team. Rishi was previously director of consumer strategy and creative operations at Random House GroupSojourner Elleby has joined as digital and social media manager.


At Penguin Random House, Sara McCrea has joined as the newly created role of podcast specialist, reporting to SVP, director of publicity and strategic communications Susan Corcoran. Lydia Yadi has joined Crown as executive editor.  Kelly Taylor has joined Random House Children’s Books as associate copy editor.  Tarcher Perigee has rebranded to Tarcher


At Phaidon, Netta Rabin has joined as publisher, children’s books. Most recently, she served as publisher and creative director of Klutz. Megan Bennett returns to Phaidon as executive art director, children’s books. She helped relaunch the children’s publishing program in 2014. Hannah Dirgins has joined Harmony Rodale Convergent as publicist. Claire Hendrix has joined as publicity assistant.


HarperCollins: Darelyanel Medina has joined Amistad, HarperVia, and HarperCollins Espanol as marketing assistant.


At Spiegel & Grau, Emily Burns, formerly associate editor at Grove Atlantic has joined as editor. 


At OverDrive, Eric Miller has been hired as the company’s first director of data and information science. Most recently he served as chief strategist for EBSCO Information Services.


At IPG, IPG domestic sales to independent bookstores will be managed by three commission sales representative groups: Fujii Associates, Imprint Group, and Como Sales.


Jacaranda Books, Sareeta Domindo joins in the newly created position of publishing director. She was previously editorial director at Trapeze Books


At Barnes & Noble Education, Christopher Neumann has joined as general counsel & corporate secretary. Gary Luster has joined as chief accounting officer.


City Lights Books, Carolina Picard, formerly founder and director of Green Lantern Press, is joining as associate publisher.


Mara Anastas has launched a consulting firm Muse Media. Anastas previously held senior publishing roles at Open Road, Simon & Schuster, and HarperCollins.


At the University of Pittsburgh Press, Deborah Orgel Hudson has joined as marketing and sales director.

In Agency News…

At Westwood Creative Artists, co-head of media rights Jake Babad and executive VP and literary agent Hilary McMahon have reached an agreement to acquire the agency. Babad will become president and Jackie Kaiser will join the agency’s board alongside Babad and McMahon.


At The Foreign Office, Amaiur Fernandez has joined as senior agent.


Elias Altman is now a partner at the Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents.


Patrice Caldwell has launched The Caldwell Agency after 5 years at New Leaf Literary & Media, bringing her client list with her.


Azantian Literary Agency, Roma Panganiban joins as literary agent. She was previously at Janklow & Nesbit


At Paper Literary, Kiya Evans will join as associate agent. She was previously at Mushens Entertainment


Former YMU Books division managing director Amanda Harris has launched her own agency, Maven Literary Management


At Metamorphosis Literary Agency Des Salazar has been promoted to agent.


At Penguin Random House, Suzanne Smith was promoted to VP, executive director, subsidiary and foreign rights. Serena Lehman was promoted to associate director, foreign rights.  At Clarkson Potter, George Widmer has been promoted to associate director, advertising and promotions.  Annalisa Sheldahl has been promoted to senior designer. Nicole Block has been promoted to art director. Taline Boghosian has been promoted to senior designer at Random House Children’s Books. Rachel Tockstein has been promoted to assistant director at Harmony Rodale Convergent. Lulu Martinez has been promoted to senior director of brand marketing. Elizabeth Groening has been promoted to senior director of brand marketing. Danielle Kolodkin has been promoted to senior marketing manager. Julia Diaz-Young has been promoted to marketing associate. 


At Hachette, Workman Running Press Group has the following promotions at Workman: Cindy Lee, is promoted to marketing director; Amy Michelson, is promoted to assistant director of marketing; Bella Lemos is promoted to editor; Analucia Zepeda, is promoted to associate editor; Julie Perry is promoted to assistant editor; and Clare DeZutti is promoted to designer at Workman Calendars. At Workman Kids: Sara Corbett is promoted to senior art director; Keirsten Geise, is promoted to art director; and Lourdes Ubidia is promoted to designer.

At Timber Press: Makenna Goodman, is promoted to executive editor; Vincent James, is promoted to associate art director; and Kevin McConnell’s role is being realigned. 

 At Running Press, Jordana Hawkins is promoted to executive editor and licensing manager and Shannon Kelly is promoted to executive editor. At Avalon Travel, Amara Garibyan, is promoted to associate marketing manager, Devon Lee, is promoted to acquisitions editor; Suzanne Albertson, is promoted to senior production designer, and Karin Dahl is promoted to cartography associate manager.


At Hachette, the following promotions have occurred at Little, Brown Children’s, Jackie Engel, is promoted to SVP, deputy publisher; Margaret Hansen, is promoted to coordinator, school & library marketing; Bill Grace, is promoted to associate director of marketing; Andie Divelbiss is promoted to assistant marketing manager; Alice Gelber, is promoted to marketing coordinator; Cheryl Lew, is promoted to publicity director; Amanda Gaglione and Alexandra Houdeshell are promoted to assistant editor; Ann Dwyer, is promoted to senior designer and Elena Aguirre Uranga is promoted to assistant designer.

At Grand Central Publishing, the following promotions have occurred: Estefania Acquaviva has been promoted to senior publicist; Ian Dorset, has been promoted to assistant editor; Jacqueline Young, has been promoted to editor; Dana Li has been promoted to art director; Taylor Parker-Means has been promoted to marketing designer. 

At Forever/Grand Central Publishing: Estelle Hallick, has been promoted to senior director, marketing & publicity, Carolina Martin has been promoted senior digital marketing manager, Grace Fischetti has been promoted to assistant editor and Daniela Medina has been promoted to senior art director. Camille O’Garro has been promoted to director of contracts, head of children’s contracts. Sara Sheiner has been promoted to contracts manager. Camila Guitron has been promoted to contracts associate. Emily Hernandez has been promoted to contracts coordinator.

At Hachette Book Group, Charlotte Bryla has been promoted to director, advertising and social commerce. Caitlin Stikeleather has been promoted to assistant advertising manager. Jill Reschop has been promoted to executive director, analytics and business intelligence. Lyndsay Vasconez has been promoted to manager, title management. Stephanie Licciardi has been promoted to sales associate, account marketing.  Thomas Louie has been promoted to senior product analyst. Danger Fingerman has been promoted to director of publishing products. Rupali Sharma has been promoted to director of software engineering. Inna Geykhman has been promoted to manager of software engineering. Tanner Opalinski has been promoted to senior product manager. Tom Luke has been promoted to manager of BI engineering. Michael Segreti has been promoted to product manager. Mike Moglia has been promoted to business analyst.  Ananad Sharma has been promoted to VP of the corporate products group. 


At Bloomsbury, Morgan Jones has been promoted to editor. Jillian Ramirez has been promoted to associate editor. Lauren Ollehead Fries has been promoted to publicity manager. Tyler Aoki has been promoted to associate marketing manager at Bloomsbury Special Interest. Faye Bi has been promoted to senior director of publicity at Bloomsbury Children’s Books. Lily Yengle has been promoted to marketing director at Bloomsbury Children’s Books. Phoebe Dyer has been promoted to marketing director. 


At Fabled Films Press, Sam Sicignano has been promoted to assistant manager of marketing and sales. 


At Crooked Lane Books, Mikaela Bender has been promoted to marketing associate. Dulce Botello has been promoted to marketing manager. Rebecca Nelson has been promoted to assistant editor and art coordinator. Thaisheemarie Fantauzzi Perez has been promoted to production and editorial associate.



A new executive order has been called for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This is the nation’ s only federal agency supporting libraries. The executive order reads: “the non-statutory components and functions of the following governmental entities shall be eliminated to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law, and such entities shall reduce the performance of their statutory functions and associated personnel to the minimum presence and function required by law”.  


Netgalley will release a standalone consumer marketing website called Booktrovert in the second quarter of this year.. According to a release, Booktrovert will help readers “celebrate their love of books by participating in digital giveaways, special promotions, and fun bookish activities.” Publishers, authors, and PR firms can start setting up book giveaways–which can be public or limited to certain audiences–in advance in early April. The company has reorganized its staff in anticipation of the launch Lindsey Lochner has been promoted to president, overseeing Business growth & engagement, US & international, led by Kristina Radke, who is promoted to SVP; community growth & engagement, led by Tarah Theoret; product management, led by Mary Pratt; and engineering, led by Darren Shifflett. Theoret, Pratt, and Shifflett are all promoted to vice president. Radke will also manage NetGalley’s promotional team. Additionally, Darcy Piedmonte has been named director, customer acquisition & success, reporting to Radke.



Mar 20-23rd

Virginia Festival of the Book

Charlottesville, VA

Mar 26-29th

AWP Conference & Bookfair

Los Angeles, CA

Mar 26-30th

Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival

New Orleans, LA

March 27- Apr 7th

Bangkok International Book Fair

Bangkok Thailand

Mar 31st- Apr 3rd

Bologna Children’s Book Fair 

Bologna, IT

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