Tag Archives: Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers

The Velvet (Reading) Revolution

As Publishing Trends rolls out its bestseller lists for the Czech and Slovak Republics, we herewith offer a brief survey of this modest but dynamic literary landscape, as sales rise in Wal-Mart-esque chains, and pivot sharply toward nonfiction. Though Czech readers have long lapped up the likes of Stephen King, Danielle Steel, and Tom Clancy,…Continue Reading

International Fiction Bestsellers

The New Czech Comet Legatova Aloft, Sabach Soused in the Czech Republic, Plus Russia’s Own ‘Magic Mountain’ Streaking across the firmament on her way to the #1 spot in the Czech Republic this month, 84-year-old Kveta Legatova is a “new meteor in the Czech literary skies” who burst on the scene at the age of…Continue Reading