Tag Archives: Lorraine Shanley

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 1/16-1/20

­Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Who shapes the future of AI translation? Why does the HarperCollins strike matter for the entire industry? How…Continue Reading

BEA 2016 Takeaways

Publishing Trends attended BookExpo America 2016, which was held May 11-13 at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL.  I must count myself among the many who were startled by the smaller footprint at BEA. It seemed to be the topic du jour in all my encounters. There are three main factors affecting this: meeting rooms which…Continue Reading

In Case You Missed It…PT Picks: Street Smart: The Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars by Samuel I. Schwartz and William Rosen

PT Picks: Street Smart: The Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars by Samuel I. Schwartz and William Rosen (PublicAffairs, 2015) From Lorraine: Sam (Gridlock Sam) Schwartz was NYC’s longtime traffic commissioner and now runs an eponymous consulting firm with offices around the country.  So he’s got the purview and experience to tell us how car came to dominate our…Continue Reading

The Subscription Prescription?: Subscription Services at DBW 2014

The word on everyone’s lips during the 2014 Digital Book World conference seemed to be “subscription,” whether it was in the context of the inevitability of Amazon launching their own book service or Michael Cader’s comment at the CEO Roundtable that there are lots of opportunities for subscription models at the niche level. DBW hosted…Continue Reading

Introducing Partners’ Corner

As a new monthly feature, we will be posting “Partners’ Corner,” a place where the principals of Market Partners International can share their observations of the publishing industry for the month. **** We’ve been doing a lot of searches at MPI this year, and having read more resumes and met more publishing people than most…Continue Reading

Tipping the Scales: Publishers Launch BEA 2013

If “Wild West” and “Discoverability” have been buzz words of BEAs past, “Scale” is certainly a strong contender for this year’s theme. Size and scale certainly come to mind when looking at the ever-increasing offerings and co-located events supplement the BEA exhibit hall, from IDPF and bloggers conferences to library tracks and author events. Size and…Continue Reading

EPM’s Content Licensing Network Acquires Publishing Trends Newsletter

New York, NY: February 1, 2012—EPM Communications, Inc.’s Content Licensing Network will incorporate Market Partners International’s Publishing Trends into the Network’s flagship publication, Content Licensing. Content Licensing reveals the latest trends, deals, and deal-makers involved in licensing media and entertainment properties across traditional and digital platforms. The Content Licensing Network, which launched earlier this year, is run…Continue Reading

Just Kids: Publishers Launch Children’s Publishing Goes Digital at DBW

Kicking off the week of the Digital Book World conference was Publishers Launch Children’s Publishing Goes Digital day, where speakers from the children’s book community discussed how the market is changing in the digital era. Representatives from start-ups and traditional publishers and authors, as well as trends analysts, were on hand for the January 23rd…Continue Reading

Children’s Publishing Goes Digital at the Frankfurt Book Fair

At the Children’s Publishing Goes Digital conference, hosted by Publishers Launch and the Frankfurt Book Fair, and chaired by Lorraine Shanley of Market Partners International and Publishing Trends, some unexpected themes emerged from the assembled speakers: Kids (or perhaps their parents) are not buying ebooks, so (for now) print books are still big.  That goes…Continue Reading

People Roundup, May 2011

People Steve Wasserman has joined Yale University Press as Executive Editor-at-Large, General Interest books. He remains with Kneerim & Williams as a literary agent. He was previously Literary Editor of the LA Times and Editorial Director of Times Books. Literary agent David Hale Smith has joined Inkwell Management, bringing his own list with him. He…Continue Reading