Tag Archives: Scholastic

Bookview, April 2006

PEOPLE Brian Napack has been named President of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. In the newly created position, Napack will share general management responsibilities with CEO John Sargent over all of Holtzbrinck’s divisions, including both trade and educational operations. Steve Sorrentino, most recently an author (Luncheonette) has gone to B&N as Director, Author Promotions & Special…Continue Reading

Bookview, January 2006

PEOPLE Even the seemingly endless holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s hasn’t dulled the urge to move: Jeff Abraham, Executive Director of BISG, has been appointed President, Random House Distribution Services, a new position. John Groton, VP, Client Relations, and Kevin Mailloux, Director, Operations Distribution Services, will report to him and he will report…Continue Reading

ABPA Package or Perish

On November 9 the American Book Producers Association hosted its annual conference at the Player’s Club, and 120 people attended a day that began with a keynote from PW’s Sara Nelson (who proudly announced that PW had won first prize for editorial in the Publishing/Journalism category at the recent Folio Awards), and ended with a…Continue Reading

Bookview, November 2005

PEOPLE Big moves this fall, with the news that FSG’s Editor-in-Chief John Glusman is stepping down at the end of the year, and that Annik LaFarge will move to Bloomsbury to become Publishing Director, starting November 14. Her position at Crown has been filled by Heather Jackson, who leaves Rodale after 2 years. HarperCollins announced…Continue Reading

Bookview, October 2005

PEOPLE Jean Feiwel, Senior VP and Publisher is leaving Scholastic at the end of October after 22 years with the company. Trade Sales Director Jack Perry, who came to Scholastic from Sourcebooks last year, is also leaving. Ann Marie Resnick has been hired for the new position of VP, Marketing and Promotion in the book…Continue Reading

Bookview, September 2005

PEOPLE It seems as though anyone who wasn’t on vacation or sabbatical this month was busy changing jobs: Liz Perl has been named VP Publisher of Rodale, reporting to Tami Booth Corwin. She was previously Associate Publisher of Penguin‘s Riverhead, Perigee, HP, Portfolio and Sentinel lines and Director of Marketing and Executive Director of Publicity…Continue Reading

The Passion of the Geek

Darth Vader, Green Lantern, Spiderman and Princess Lea Hang at Comic Con 2005 New York needn’t envy San Diego, which became the epicenter of the geek world last month when it hosted Comic Con International – because it will get its shot in 2006. That’s when its sister show, New York Comic Con (brought to…Continue Reading

Bookview, July 2005

PEOPLE A surprising number of higher profile industry folk moved around this month. The one that garnered the most ink was Jon Karp, who left Random House for — to hear people tell it — any number of places. Bill Barry left DK to return to Doubleday, as Publisher of the religious imprints. That news…Continue Reading

Bookview, June 2005

PEOPLE As we move into summer, some job changes include geographic movement, along with the usual hopping across town: Close to home Laurie Rippon, Publisher of CollinsDesign, is leaving HarperCollins effective July 31. She may be contacted through the company until then. Meanwhile, Steve Wasserman, fresh from his LA Times gig, is once again a…Continue Reading

Book View, May 2005

PEOPLE April began with the front page NYT story about Judith Regan’s move to LA – a story whose significance is still somewhat unclear. Then real news came of Scholastic‘s Barbara Marcus leaving in June and being succeeded by Disney‘s Lisa Holton. Changes at Rodale include the just announced resignation of Amy Rhodes, Publisher of…Continue Reading