With the announcement of the new Nook Tablet, all the key ereader players appear to have entered the ring in time for the holiday season. And while it remains to be seen what effect Rakuten’s acquisition of Kobo will have on the device in the long run, quality-wise, all the ereaders appear to be in…Continue Reading
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Tagged Amazon, Christina DesMarais, Craig Morgan Teicher, EWeek, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, GIGAOM, Ian Paul, iPad, Julia Heaberlin, Kevin C. Tofel, Kobo, Nicholas Kolakowski, Nook Tablet, PCWorld, Publishers Weekly, Rakuten
Lest you think that last month’s announcement of Amazon’s new heavy-hitting team of Kindles means it has a monopoly on the market, Kobo has come out swinging with the news of its Vox tablet. Playing up the more social aspects of the ereader, Vox offers social media features that make sharing while reading all the…Continue Reading
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Tagged Amar Toor, Amazon, Apple, Archipelago, Endgadget, iPad, IT World, Kobo, L.A. Times, Matthew Miller, MobileBloom, PCWorld, Peter Smith, Sony, Tech Crunch, Tony Bradley, Vox, ZDNet
(Version 3.0 of The Conversation Prism infographic first created by Brian Solis and JESS3 in 2008 to map the social media universe by “features and capabilities.”) When Pivotcon kicked off in October, 2010, Douglas Rushkoff christened it the“TED of Marketing.” Programmed and hosted this year by new media guru Brian Solis, Pivotcon brought together 635…Continue Reading
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Tagged American Eagle, Brian Solis, Britta Schell, Buddy Media, BuzzMachine, Digital First initiative, Douglas Rushkoff, Electronic Arts, Facebook, Hachette, Hearst Digital, Jack Krawczyk, Jay Rogers, Jeff Jarvis, JESS3, John Paton, Journal Register, Kristine Welker, Local Motors, Mashery, Matt Trainer, Mekanism, Michael Jaindl, Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy, MTV, NCAA, Need for Speed, Networked Insights, Nielsen, nmincite, Open Table, Oren Michels, Paul Dunay, Pete Caban, Pivotcon, Public Parts, Radha Subramanyam, Random House, Real Beauty, Rich Kelley, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Shani Higgins, Simon & Schuster, StumbleUpon, sxsw, Technorati, The Conversation Prism, The Guardian, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Tumblr, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, Zuberance
Lately, it seems as if you can’t read a daily or a blog without some commentary or announcement about literary agents who are now offering epublishing services (including the recently announced Trident E-Book Operations). Many agencies are creating publishing arms, and the concept has long been an issue, ever since Richard Curtis was drummed out…Continue Reading
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Tagged Acorn, Alexei Leonov, Amazon, Argo Navis, Association of Authors' Representatives, Barnes & Noble, Bedford Square Books, Bloomsbury, Charlie Campbell, Chelynne, Constellation, David Scott, Diversion Books, e-reads, Ed Victor Ltd, Edna O’Brien, Gail Hochman, Goldfarb & Associates, INscribe Digital, J. K. Rowling, Jason Allen Ashlock, Kent Harrington, Laura Dail, Liza Dawson, Mark Hutchinson, Marly Rusoff, Marly Rusoff Literary Agency, Mike Leach, MintRight, Movable Type Literary Group, Nancy Yost, Nook, Open Road, Perseus, Philip Spitzer Literary Agency, Publishers Weekly Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List, Rabbi Gabrielle, Red Jungle, Richard Curtis, Robyn Carr, Roger Herst, Scott Waxman, Swing Your Sword, Tales for the Telling, The Knight Agency, The New York Times Bestseller List, Trident E-Book Operations, Two Sides of the Moon, Vook, Waxman Literary Agency
It was the press conference heard round the tech/publishing world last Wednesday when Jeff Bezos announced the Kindle Touch, a dedicated touch screen ereader, and Kindle Fire, the long awaited Amazon tablet. These new products, combined with surprisingly low price points, are enough to be a real game changer, causing Barnes & Noble’s stock to…Continue Reading
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Tagged Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, HP, iPad, Kindle, Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, Kobo, Nook, Nook Color, Samsung
This past month in the e-reader market, Amazon has already set itself ahead of the pack with the launch of its HTML5 cloud-based e-reader system in response to Apple’s new in-app subscription rules. While the Kindle Cloud Reader definitely wags its finger at Apple, asserting Amazon’s refusal to give Apple 30% of its revenue, many…Continue Reading
[This is an excerpt of an article, Giving Them What They Want: Keeping Up With the New Demand for Audiobooks, which was published in the August issue of Publishing Trends. To receive our newsletter in full, find out how to purchase a subscription here.] Digital audiobook downloads have steadily been increasing, and the latest AAP Sales Report shows…Continue Reading