Authors Take to the Web

“You can’t get yourself on Oprah,” says Carol Fitzgerald of the Book Report Network, “but you can get yourself on the web.” And that’s the business plan in a nutshell of three new ventures —,, and — aiming to bring authors and audiences together on a browser near you. Without further ado, here’s a brisk tour through this trio of slightly differing business models.

Fitzgerald’s is the “Internet design and marketing division” of the Book Report Network (which includes and, among others), and will develop distinct, branded sites for individual authors, to be paid for by author, agent, or publisher. Fees run from $300 plus a $50/month maintenance charge (special charter prices) to $7500 or more for the site of your dreams, including options for trivia games, reader comments, a community leader, and the like. The idea is to make information about an author’s backlist readily accessible to the public, regardless of who published the books. Plans also call for a yellow pages–style “vortal” for publishing and authors on the web, reading group guides, advice for writers — not to mention a premium partner relationship with Amazon., by contrast, is a more centralized collection of author sites founded by Susan Bergman, and will give authors free pages or have them plunk down cash for more elaborate sites. Partnerships with the likes of S&S, FSG, and Holt will help highlight newly released books, while a business alliance with will support downloadable content (articles, stories, poems, e-books, etc.), for which permissions will be cleared and fees seamlessly collected from the public. An online bookstore known as Cargo will sell books in multiple formats, including print, audio, and e-books, available for shipping or downloading as desired. Those authors maintaining a “Deluxe Portfolio” will also have the special capability to sell reprints of their shorter works directly from their sites.

Lastly, aims to create a kind of virtual authors’ pavilion of distinct authors’ pages. “Authors are our partners, not our clients,” says founder Joshua Horwitz, and YourNextBook aspires to be a frictionless interface for authors and readers. As part of the deal, an author who signs on to have a site developed on the YourNextBook network will receive an equity stake in the company, plus a share in the revenue, which will come from advertising. The site is expected to operate independently of publishers, and will link to booksellers, with no particular preference for which bookseller makes the sale (though indies will be specially courted). As noted elsewhere, a somewhat eyebrow-raising feature of the site will be an emphasis on authors’ book picks, whereby authors will be asked to provide annotated lists of recommendations, with royalties paid to the author on any sale that originates from their page, whether it be that author’s work or, say, a friend’s book that they happened to recommend. All of which inexorably brings to mind that timeless reviewers’ refrain: You plug my book, and I’ll plug yours.

Wiley Gets a Digital ‘Opportunity’

While pioneering trade publishers were not exactly in evidence among the crowd at the Digital Rights Management & Digital Distribution conference in New York on February 23-24, John Wiley’s Gregory St. John offered a glimpse into that rare publishing phenomenon known as the New Business Model. Besides offering a gloss on new-economy jargon (“opportunities” are erstwhile “problems”; “customer-driven features” are actually the counterparts to “things we did wrong”), St. John explained how Wiley came to put 300 technical and professional journals on the Web and attract over 140,000 users in the bargain.

Following an “invaluable” pilot program that traded free online journal content for the feedback of 70,000 users over a 15-month period, Wiley rolled out its commercial site ( in January 1999, and is now getting set to put the print versions of these journals unceremoniously out to pasture. Granted, appealing to a technically savvy print subscriber base was a no-brainer. But the company has still bent over backwards to draw people to the site, including free web access for all print subscribers (although a fee will probably kick in for this access in 2001) and unrestricted guest access to article abstracts. The real strategy is to lure users into “enhanced” web access with added features, or into a full-blown “society member access” program that aspires to be a portal-like community. In addition, there are plans to roll out web-based access to over 30 major reference works this year, all the while jettisoning those former New Business Models that didn’t quite fly (“I’m trying desperately to get out of the CD-ROM business,” said St. John).

On the down side, the web venture required an unplanned excursion into the wilderness of software development. Initially, a vendor affiliated with Mitsubishi was hired to devise the web program, but when the Asian economy crashed, Mitsubishi dumped its non-essential programs, along with Wiley’s project. Wiley was forced to hire the system engineers directly, and now, claims St. John, the company’s London-based engineering group is said to function more efficiently than any vendor it could have hired for the job. Other changes included a shift in marketing attitude (“We now do press releases rather than brochures”) and a branding campaign focused on promoting the entire service rather than the individual products. All in all, the program amounts to “an integrated process of relationship building” more akin to how services are sold than to how products are sold.

As Wiley reportedly prepares to decamp for digs west of the Hudson — and symbolically shed its old-media address — stay tuned to find out whether St. John’s paradigm-busting mantras turn out to be, shall we say, content-rich.

School Daze

Can Textbook E-Tailers Topple Bookselling’s Ivory Tower?

Like many Internet business ventures, online textbook retailing undoubtedly seemed like a good idea at the time. An obscenely plump $5 billion industry just begging to be undersold. More than 5 million full-time undergrads and 10 million other higher education students with annual discretionary spending power of a whomping $105 billion. An army of fresh-faced campus reps eager to trade stock options for a little hard-sell on the quad. Market opportunity? Get outta here. This was venture capital Valhalla.

Yet to the dismay of virtual financiers everywhere, storming the ivory tower has proven more costly and more impracticable than probably any Silicon Valley brain-trust could have predicted. reps were yanked off of the George Washington University campus when they set up a table in a university-owned shopping center. Amid charges of “unfair competition,” upstart Canadian e-tailer was likewise banned on campus. Sites such as have been forced to file Freedom of Information requests to access university course and title lists. Meanwhile, NACS slapped VarsityBooks with a federal lawsuit on grounds that the e-tailer doesn’t actually offer its advertised 40% discounts, and has threatened other online purveyors with same. To top it all off, after e-tailers poured millions of dollars into MTV ads — and with VarsityBooks announcing it had spent $20 million on marketing and sales in 1999 — web researchers reported that nearly a quarter of Internet users polled couldn’t recall a single dot-com ad they had seen on television.

“Frankly, we’re at a loss to understand why so much attention is being paid to it,” says Eric Weil, a managing partner of the market research firm Student Monitor. “Only 8% of all students tell us they’ve ever purchased a book from an online retailer. The impact has been rather minimal.” And that’s almost an understatement. The Wall Street Journal reported that despite collective investments that must reach into the hundreds of millions, only 1% of college textbooks are sold via the web. It seems clear from the outset that any victories won by e-tailers in the college textbook market will be Amazonian — that is to say pyrrhic — at best.

Dude, Buy This Book!

But thin profit margins, off-kilter sales cycles, mercenary competition, voracious marketing budgets, and sluggish student responses seem to have only whetted the appetite of online retailers for an all-out marketing assault that’s turned desperation into an art form. Thus far, BigWords far outpaces its rivals in outlandish guerrilla marketing stratagems, suiting up some 8,000 campus reps in orange jumpsuits and pitching ads that affect an aggressively puerile brand attitude. The company’s press communiqués explain that its 500-campus-strong mission is to create a “kick-ass customer experience” because today’s online shopping experience is “far too bland,” while its television ad tagline smirks: “We promise not to rip you off . . . as much.” BigWords may have a point about the blandness of Internet retailing, but one suspects that 15 tons of co-branded orange superballs, a bunch of free Jamba Juice mugs, and a faux–Gen Y smugness may not be everyone’s idea of a good time.

“If you try too hard to be cool, you’re taking a big risk,” says Bruce Tulgan, founder of management consulting firm RainmakerThinking. “The big problem with trying to be in on the joke is that you risk becoming the joke.” Tulgan, whose Managing Generation X will be reissued this June from Norton, notes that “the advertisers’ path toward the aesthetic of irony” when appealing to young people is liable to be turned back on itself when the aesthetic tides suddenly shift direction. “It’s the consumer experience that’s going to lead to brand value, not whether you seem cool.”

The “aesthetic of irony” has certainly not been lost on Purdue University assistant professor of sociology Mathieu Deflem, who has mounted something of a crusade against BigWords after encountering the orange-clad “Jumpsuit Brigade” assailing students with their wares of superballs and 5% discount coupons. “What didn’t amuse me,” exclaims Deflem, “was that I could barely enter the library of my own university because those morons were standing there almost pushing this little ping-pong ball on me!” Deflem also objects to the methods used to solicit course lists from professors. He claims BigWords listed his course on its site, and when Deflem viewed the page on his browser, the site automatically reloaded with a message that indicated he had reviewed and approved the list. “I thought that was really disgusting,” says Deflem. “That was like Kafka.”

Cannibalize or Be Cannibalized

And BigWords’ approach isn’t the only one e-tailers are trying. For the Spring 2000 semester, for example, eFollett, the web storefront for the 620-school Follett college store empire, posted course lists for some 1,000 campuses, including 200 “e-partner” schools where Follett has no physical presence, according to Tim Dorgan, eFollett’s senior vp for e-commerce. The idea is that students log on, pull up their courses for the semester, hit the “Buy All” button for each course, and the full load of books shows up at the dorm mailroom in a few days. Dorgan envisions the “clicks-and-mortar” eFollett program as the best of both worlds, because the vast majority of eFollett users skip the shipping costs and grab their books at the campus store on the way to class — a not improbable scenario, although one that flies in the face of BigWords’ and others’ rhetoric about avoiding despised bookstore lines. Dorgan also points out that Follett deals heavily in used books, and that 55% of used textbooks never leave a given campus because they’re readopted and recycled — giving the click-and-mortar model an additional advantage. “Those are books that only the local store will have access to,” he argues, adding that “having 1000 distributed warehouses might be the best way to attack this thing.” To further draw customers, music has already been added to the list of eFollett merchandise, and make no bones about it, “there will be trade books for sale very soon.”

Then there’s the belated arrival of third-largest college bookstore chain Wallace’s, which has launched under the rationale that it’s better they cannibalize themselves than be cannibalized by someone else. A Lexington, Kentucky warehouse supplies both online and brick-and-mortar stores, although the two are said to be separately managed distribution operations. Boding perhaps not so well for eCampus is the fact that Wendy’s hamburger baron Dave Thomas is a founding investor. Then again, books, burgers, and co-eds could constitute a groundbreaking synergy. Rounding out the pack is B&N-affiliated, whereof vp of marketing Valerie Valente would only say that the site has sold to schools in 50 states and 12 countries, and works with used-book titan Missouri Book Services, which has access to six million titles (and with which B&N has had a long-term alliance). The B&N college group operates about 350 stores on college campuses, making a player in the clicks-and-mortar market. Certainly with B&N’s aggregation of domain names,, and, they’ve at least cornered the online book domain name market.

Hazing for Nerds

Of course, one textbook e-tailer has undergone that ultimate corporate hazing ritual, the IPO. After a period of vacillation and having lowered its initial offering price amid a wary market, VarsityBooks went public on February 15. Its stock closed a fraction of a dollar below the $10 offering price, prompting media jokesters to declare, “VarsityBooks IPO Fails to Make Honor Roll,” and “E-Pep Rally Fizzles.” analyst Adam Lashinsky railed against VarsityBooks’ reportedly minuscule gross margins of 5.6%, and fumed that its reliance on one book distributor (Baker & Taylor, which has a stake in VarsityBooks) did nothing to help the situation. But beyond all of that, Lashinsky wrote, “the problem with is more that its time — defined as the period when high-risk, money-losing, consumer net companies flew — has come and passed.” VarsityBooks, which was still in its post-IPO “quiet period” as PT went to press, could not be reached for comment on the matter, but did report net losses of $31.5 million for the year ending December 31, 1999, a 1066.7% increase over the prior year’s $2.7 million loss. Revenues were $10.6 million, up from $132,000.

Assuming profits are not entirely out of the question, just where do textbook e-tailers go from here? One might glimpse the future in the trajectory of sites such as the soon-to-go-public education portal, which began as an e-commerce company offering discount textbooks, but is fast updating its mission as a “total communication network” not unlike or in the US, which are destination sites that offer community-based web features along with access to a variety of student discounts. CollegeClub’s textbook sales are handled by BigWords, and it seems that similar strategic partnerships between textbook e-tailers and just about everyone else — say, VarsityBooks’ link with AOL’s ICQ division — will become all the more essential to keep them from flunking out of the e-commerce marketplace.

International Bestsellers

Nouveaux Romans
Gavalda Awes France, Spielberg Grabs Levy, and Sijie Pays Dues to Balzac

While most of the English-speaking world tried to figure out what to do with its heaping Star Wars inventory this month, the international lists — particularly the French — were galvanized by first-time authors who’ve put critics in a tizzy and sent bookstore tills into overdrive. Anna Gavalda’s first book, I’d Like Someone to Wait For Me Somewhere, rushed to the #6 slot on the French list, selling 56,000 copies and making this collection of “nouvelles” concerning the rigors of daily life in France La Dilettante’s biggest book to date. In fact, according to Claude Tarrène of La Dilettante’s foreign rights department, no one’s shy about getting their hands on Gavalda’s series of light, short character sketches of everyday Parisians — it’s disappearing faster than fresh baguettes, at the rate of a thousand copies a day. The 28-year-old author has been deemed “the master of the first impression,” and had critics falling all over themselves when she showed up at the very fashionable Prix de Flore (one said her book ought to win the prize for “the most beautiful love letter to France”). Her work was also named one of the twenty best books of the year in the Prix RTL-Lire, and two years ago she captured a short story prize at the National Festival of Saint-Quentin. La Dilettante has been courting offers from all over Europe (Carl Hanser took German rights), while US rights are still available from La Dilettante’s Claude Tarrène.

Meanwhile in France, Steven Spielberg bought up film rights to another French novel by a new author, And If It Were True? by Marc Levy. Described as a novel which entices the reader “into believing the unbelievable,” the novel seems tailor-made for Spielberg’s supernatural-yet-romantic métier — and strangely enough, according to publisher Laffont, Levy’s romantic comedy even “reads like a film.” The work deals with a certain Arthur, who is shocked to find a strange woman inhabiting the closet of his new San Francisco apartment. Here’s the catch: the gal’s invisible to everyone except Arthur. She happens to be the spirit of a young woman whose corporal body resides in a coma in a local hospital, and the drama entails Arthur’s increasingly fervent efforts to halt her family from pulling the plug. Levy, incidentally, is an architect who splits time between the US and Paris. The novel sold over 100,000 copies in just three weeks, and rights have been sold to 28 countries, including Pocket in the US.

Not to be outdone, China-born filmmaker Dai Sijie is creating a stir in France with his first novel, Balzac & the Little Chinese Tailoress, which tells a largely autobiographical tale of two adolescents sent for “re-education” during the Cultural Revolution in China. They are saved when they find a trunk filled with subversive French literature (Balzac, naturally). Gallimard reports that 24,000 copies sold in 4 days, with 80,000 in print in the first month, due in large part to the ever reliable Bernard Pivot and his TV program, Bouillon de Culture. Six German publishers are bidding for rights, while offers have been made in Italy, England, Sweden, Denmark, and Greece. We’re told several US publishers have requested reading copies. See Anne-Solange Noble at Gallimard for details.

Notable in Brazil this month, columnist Luis Fernando Verissimo has three irony-fueled collections of work on the charts. Brazilian Summer Stories, appearing at #8, focuses on his popular columns on middle class day-to-day life. The other volumes cover the current president’s administration and other aspects of Brazilian culture. Verissimo is author of The Angel’s Club, which held court on the Brazilian list for most of last year. Rights have been sold to Germany, UK, and Spain, but are still up for grabs in the US. See Lucia Riff at Agencia BMSR for details. Also in Brazil, the production of a miniseries on Globo Television has created a buying frenzy for the book that started it all, The Wall by Dinah Silveira de Queiroz. This 1950’s historical novel follows the drama of the 17th-century pioneers who founded Rio de Janeiro in part because of the great fortifying “wall” of mountains surrounding the region. Silveira de Queiroz, who died almost twenty years ago, was the second woman ever elected to the Brazilian Academy. The miniseries and the book have not yet been licensed abroad; see Sergio Machado at Record for rights.

A different ghost from the past makes an appearance on the Swedish list, with the comic book version of Frans G. Bengtsson’s 1942 novel Red Snake. It seems the story of Viking hero Orm Tostesson and his adventures in the tenth century have found a place in the annals of literary cartoons, following the wide appeal of the original novel, which was sold in sixteen different countries when it first appeared (its US title was The Long Ships, published by Buccaneer Books). A film adaptation was produced in the sixties starring Richard Widmark. See Rolf Classon at Galago for rights.

Taking up an epic subject of a different sort, Sweden’s Per Olov Enquist plumbs the relationship between sexuality and power in his new novel The Doctor’s Visit. The work takes place in Denmark in the 1760’s and follows the rise and fall of the royal physician Dr. Struensee, who simultaneously gained the confidence of the the mad King Christian and the heart of the young queen (no easy feat). The stealthy Struensee was said to put into practice many ideas that were not generally accepted until after the French Revolution, twenty years later. Unfortunately, the doctor did pay one last visit — to prison — where he was hung, drawn, and quartered by the rebellious Danish nobility. Since publication in September, publisher Norstedts reports a total of 55,000 copies sold in Sweden. Rights are sold in most European countries and are under negotiation in the US. See Agneta Markas at Norstedts.

Following the ritual bon-bon transactions of Valentine’s Day, amorous themes continue to be popular in Italy, where The Love Book has lulled readers with a compilation of the best love poems worldwide. Rights are still there for the plucking, says Emmanuela Canali of Mondadori. And we take note that love is also on the mind of the UK’s William Sutcliffe, whose new novel The Love Hexagon investigates the complicated emotional landscapes of six Gen Xers, who must finally put down their dog-eared Douglas Coupland novels and come to grips with that natural disaster known as romance. Penguin will publish in the US this fall.

Book View, March 2000


This month, the announcement of the millennium comes from Penguin Putnam, which has hired retired Commanding General Gilbert S. Harper of the US Army as VP for warehousing and fulfillment. Responsibilities in his previous life included “designing the Army’s next generation distribution architecture.” Industry watchers like the image of the soldier reporting to our own General Grann. . . Other PP news: Marcia Burch, Penguin Director of Marketing has left the company after 30 years. (She may be reached at 718 768 1331). She has been replaced by Random’s Director of National Accounts Marketing Group, John Fagan. Moving up from Associate Director of Marketing and reporting to Fagan is Christine Caruso, now Director of Communications.

Steve Murphy, EVP and MD of Disney Worldwide Publishing, has resigned to become President and COO of Rodale, succeeding Robert Teufel, who has retired. The company will buy Murphy a house in Emmaus, PA., where Rodale is located. Other Disney departures include Lauren Wohl, heading for Winslow Press as VP Marketing. Meanwhile Karen Kelly, formerly of Rodale, where she headed Daybreak, a health and spirituality imprint, and Warner, has gone to

The myriad departures at S&S include Phil Duva, SVP Operations, for WRC Media, where he will be EVP and COO, and Seth Gershel, from S&S Audio. He will be replaced by Gilles Dana, Publisher of New Media, who will be Acting Publisher. Meanwhile, David Lappin joins S&S as VP Director of National Accounts. He was RH’s SVP Executive Director of Sales. Executive Editor Emily Heckman has left Pocket Books. Carisa Hays, late of BDD and iVillage, will join The Free Press as VP Director of Publicity. . . In the continuing saga of cookbook editors on the move, Maria Guarnaschelli has left Scribner. And Annik LaFarge, VP & Associate Publisher of the S&S trade division, also leaves for Steven Brill’s as Director of their e-book division. She will join two other book industry veterans, Susan Dalsimer, ex Miramax/Talk books publisher who is consulting for the soon-to-launch site, and John Conti, as reported last month. . . .

Sterling announces the hiring of Steve Magnuson as VP Editorial. He was most recently Director of Publishing for Harmony and Three Rivers Press. Reporting to him will be Frances Gilbert, children’s book Acquisitions Editor, lately of Scholastic Canada where she ran the Arrow book club, before becoming book fairs Product Development Manager. Robin Strashun has also joined the company as Director of Marketing. She was Director of Marketing for special markets for Crown, Fodor’s and Random Reference. Charles Nurnberg also announces a co-publishing deal with children’s book packager Pinwheel.

After an extended search, OUP has promoted one of its own, Laura Brown, VP and Director of Trade Publishing, to the position of President, replacing Ed Barry, who has retired. In other university press news, Charles Grench, Editor-in-Chief at Yale U. Press, went to U. of North Carolina Press after Lewis Bateman left there for Cambridge U. Press. And Liz Hartman has left Columbia University Press and will go to OUP in charge of marketing, replacing Mary Ellen Curley, who went back to HarperCollins earlier this year.

Linda Cunningham was named VP Publishing for Questia Media Inc., a web-based research service for students and scholars. She was formerly SVP Publishing Dir. of HarperResource and HarperAudio.

Leaving RH is Bill Barry, formerly SVP Corporate Development, for IDG Books, where he will be president and COO based in NYC. In cookbookland, Little Brown’s Jennifer Josephy has been put in charge of the cookbook program — and more — at Broadway/Doubleday. Trigg Robinson McLeod, formerly VP Director of Publicity for Broadway, has joined PGW as Director of Marketing, reporting to Mark Ouimet, SVP Sales & Marketing.

David Chalfant has left IMG. . . Mary Wowk has left Anness Publishing to pursue other interests. (She may be reached at 212 877 8801.) Paul Beason has left St. Martin’s to join Workman as Export Sales Manager.


Nat Sobel
swiftly moved Tom Kelly’s option novel from Knopf to FSG’s Paul Elie in a two-book deal after Sonny Mehta neglected to exercise his option in a timely manner. (Knopf had published Payback.) Both books are “thriller-ish.” The first, titled Inwood (from that section of NY where it’s set), is about the Teamsters, and the second will have to do with constructing the Empire State Building.

Elaine Koster has been busy lately. Along with her six fig. deal with Martha Levin, Hyperion’s VP Publisher, for a special agent about the FBI by Candice Delong, she has sold two other titles, both involving former colleagues: Joe Pittman, now a Sr. Ed. at NAL whom Koster originally hired, wrote Tilting At Windmills, a novel described as a “male weepie,” whose English language rights were sold to Judith Curr at PB for “good money.” And Deb Brody (whom Koster had also hired at NAL, and who is now at Holt) bought Taming the Hunger Within by Marcia Herrin, who is in charge of the Eating Disorder Program at Dartmouth. She was featured in a People cover article on eating disorders written by Nancy Matsumoto, who will be her co-writer on this book. . . .

Lois Wallace has sold a biography of Ben Franklin in Paris by Stacy Schiff to Henry Holt for a rumored $400m+. . . S&S has acquired the rights to the next two James Lee Burke novels from Phil Spitzer, where Pat Mulcahy’s services as editor will be retained separately. Burke has now moved with Mulcahy for all 11 of his books, starting at LB with Black Cherry Blues to this his eleventh novel, Purple Cane Road. Mulcahy was most recently Editor-in-Chief of Doubleday.

Yes, Mrs. Goleman, a psychologist for the past 20 years and doubtless an inspiration for her hubby Daniel’s mega bestsellers growing out of Emotional Intelligence, has sold her own book. Actually Eileen Cope at Lowenstein Associates sold it after Frankfurt last year to Harmony, and it’s been raking in the foreign rights sales ever since, according to Rights Director Rebecca Strong. Based on the original proposal alone they have contracted for over $300,000 in foreign rights income (6+ countries) with deals in Spain, France, and Japan among others still to come, and publication not scheduled till 2001.


The first annual New Yorker Book Awards, a kind of literary People’s Choice Awards, were celebrated at the New York Public Library’s third-floor reading room on Valentine’s Day. As announced, Annie Proulx took the Fiction Award for Close Range; Edward Said the non-fiction award for his memoir Out of Place; poetry went to Louise Gluck; Best Debut to Jumpa Lahiri; and lifetime achievement (presumably for his literary accomplishments) to proud new father Saul Bellow. After the surprisingly brief formalities, guests including a range of authors (AM Homes, Junot Diaz, Donald Antrim), publishers (Jack Romanos, Kathryn Court, Dick and Jeannette Seaver), agents (Lynn Nesbit, Sloan Harris, Nicole Aragi) and other literary types, descended to the Celeste Bartos Forum. The once elegant room had been transformed into a louche postmodern cabaret space (perhaps Tina Brown’s decorator is still on retainer), where a multi-course meal was passed around by waiters while attendees awaited a performance by Rufus Wainwright.

For the third year, the National Arts Club hosted the announcement of the LA Times Book Awards finalists. Steve Wasserman, Book Editor for the Times, named the finalists after a splendid tribute to book publishers and writers everywhere. Finalists for the award for fiction include Amit Chaudhuri’s Freedom Song: Three Novels; Andre Dubus III’s House of Sand and Fog; Kent Haruf’s Plainsong; Ja Hing’s Waiting; and Annie Proulx’s Close Range: Wyoming Stories. Among other awards to be given is the Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction. Dava Sobel, Stuart Applebaum, and Bill Straun were spotted at the event, not to mention Frank McCourt and Arthur Schlessinger Jr. The awards will be presented on April 29 in LA.


Welcome to Greta Maneker, born to Marion (Features Editor of NY Magazine, ex-S&S) and Liv Grey on Dec. 13.

Theater of the Absurd

The Digital Rights Management & Digital Distribution for Publishing conference in New York on February 23–24 was something of a set piece ripped straight out of an early Ionesco script, with non sequitur following hard on the heels of non sequitur. Digital rights vendors continued to perform feats of creative visualization (“This is going to be a huge year for digital rights management!”), NuvoMedia’s Martin Eberhard testily defended his decision to keep the Rocket eBook system totally proprietary (“I don’t want to be responsible for causing an MP3-like disaster for the book industry.”), B&N’s Ken Brooks insisted that he should pocket up to 40% of an e-book sale (“Our business is developing and maintaining the customer relationship—we own that transaction.”), the Authors Guild’s Paul Aiken continued to insist that royalties for electronic editions should be higher than for printed books (“There is no comparison between delivering information digitally over the Internet and delivering information in trucks over highways.”), and the BISG’s Sandy Paul continued to adumbrate the ghastly 13-digit ISBN (“You have been warned.”).

Playing their pre-scripted role to the hilt, the 100 or so publisher types in the audience continued to react impassively to the likes of HP Laboratories’ ebullient John Erickson (lately of Yankee Rights Management), who wowed the crowd by splicing Nietzsche’s doctrine of eternal recurrence with a touching nod to ET: “When you deploy your own content, it must eternally link back to you. The content must phone home.” It was the latest attempt to convince publishers of the joys of viral marketing, in which customers send little snippets of content — say, part of a chapter — to their entire address book of friends and loved-ones. When those recipients pound on the “Buy Me” button, they are instantly whisked to the publisher’s handsome sales site and, one hopes, surrender their credit card numbers and plenty of other customer-profile data that can be easily dropped into a marketing database. Or something like that.

The drama continued when B&N’s Ken Brooks announced that “the e-book industry is still all dressed up with no place to go,” and complained that lack of content was keeping everyone from getting to that big digital debutante’s ball. Brooks made a show of offering publishers use of his Manila-based e-book conversion shop, where for a “very low” fee, B&N will scan “p-books” (as Brooks insisted on referring to printed books) and output them in a variety of electronic formats, a process he described as “making the sausage back into the pig.” The electronic files are then returned to the publishers for, one hopes, future use.

Edward Ruehle, program director for Harvard Business School Publishing, continued in a mock-serious vein and pointedly compared book publishers to the once-dominant but now permanently beleaguered Sears, whose profits were systematically undercut by savvy discount retailers while the department-store giant kept haughtily insisting that no such thing could possibly come to pass. He warned publishers to guard against the imminent incursion of “vortals,” those vertical portals that offer a critical mass of information on a narrow topic such as health care or llama grooming. The point is that “disruptive technologies” such as vortals or other types of content aggregators need not offer a better product, but simply one that is as good as the old-fashioned book — and publishers might wake up one day to find their customer base vaporized.

In that vein, we note that, a subscription-based “aggregated information supplier for professionals,” has already licensed 1,000 books and is eyeing a potential market of 6 million IT professionals in the US who would pay a $200 annual subscription fee. The site has actually doled out $1 million in royalties to date, with publishers paid on a percentage of revenue generated. It’s just further evidence that, as Ruehle noted, if publishers don’t keep an eye on those IPO-bound upstarts, they’ll be “picking the cherries out of our cake.”

Wild About ONIX

When the AAP unfurled its new ONIX guidelines at New York’s McGraw-Hill Auditorium on January 19, you couldn’t fault certain woozy invitees from thinking they’d wandered into a euphoric episode of Oprah. Before their very eyes, R.R. Bowker lay down with Baker & Taylor, clasped hands with Amazon, Ingram and Vista tearfully embraced, while Pearson, McGraw-Hill, and Wiley broke out the peace pipe. All the while, AAP president Pat Schroeder put sufficient “win-win” spin on the affair that it could have passed for an AOL-Time Warner press party. “This thing has legs,” sums up Carol Risher, AAP vice president for copyright and new technology. “There’s no bad news.”

Lord only knows why the usual internecine squabbles took a sudden hiatus for ONIX, short for Online Information Exchange, the AAP’s latest effort to standardize the way that information about books is disseminated online. Of course, it could be the fact that books with “metadata” (online informational tidbits such as cover images, descriptions, reviews, and the like) outsell books without that information eight to one. The theory is that if a customer can’t find a book they’re looking for online, they obviously won’t be buying it.

According to Risher, the whole effort was actually instigated by publishers, who complained to the AAP that they were inundated with requests from online parties seeking promotional and bibliographical data about their books — each request calling for a different format. The AAP thus mobilized what must be an unprecedented coalition of 27 different publishers, online booksellers, distributors, and information services, which whipped up a fully formed industry standard in a shocking eight weeks. Consisting of 148 simple codes, one for each item of information that might be requested about a book, ONIX simplifies the way metadata are coded and exchanged. It’s also a language that can be easily modified. For example, future phases of the program will look at writing XML code for ONIX, which could automate some data-entry and analysis functions.

In some ways, though, the biggest hurdles still lie ahead. That is, publishers will actually have to start using ONIX. Given blasé attitudes toward IT infrastructure and resignation in the face of supply-chain inefficiencies, we may all be reading books on our wristwatches before the standard is fully deployed. But Holtzbrinck has already committed to bringing out its Spring 2000 titles in the ONIX format, having partnered with the software provider Quality Solutions, which means ONIX will be circulating by mid-March. It’s a start, at least. As Risher says, “This is not the end of things here. This is the beginning.”

International Fiction Bestsellers

Apocalypse Now
Amnesia Hits Spain, Horror Bloodies France, and Pokémon Ravages Australia

Perhaps in compensation for the underwhelming arrival of Y2K, this month’s bestsellers have registered a potent desire for all those missed connections, fatal errors, and world-historical upheavals we were so tantalizingly promised. In Spain, Nativel Preciado’s The Narcissist plunges into the abyss of a full-blown identity crisis, following the story of the rich and powerful Baltasar, whose insular world of egotistic self-love is shattered when he loses his memory after a freak accident. As he comes to grips with amnesia, the protagonist finds that nothing in his world is quite as it seemed. According to our source, the work’s parable of abuse and subsequent loss is especially poignant in light of Spain’s current political climate, and may account for its selection as a finalist for last year’s Planeta prize. The novel has obviously found a sympathetic readership in Spain, selling 105,000 copies and attracting the interest of several publishing houses throughout Europe. Rights are controlled by the Planeta Group.

Also exploring the disconnectedness of space and time in Spain, young Basque writer Laura Espido Freire’s Frozen Peaches concerns itself with Elsa, a young painter who is obliged to leave her home when an unknown party inexplicably begins to threaten her. Exiled to another city, Elsa takes up residence with her grandfather and begins to discover the story of her own family — which includes a cousin with whom she mysteriously shares a name. Frozen Peaches received the Planeta prize last October, and has certainly not been disconnected from the market, having sold over 205,000 copies in Spain. See Planeta for rights.

Finally in Spain, Nobel prize-winner Camilo José Cela probes more stable notions of identity with his new work, which we’ve been translating as The Wooden Box but which we’re told is not easily translatable. Madera de Boj deals with the lives and adventures of the inhabitants of Galicia, in the Northwest region of Spain, who are deeply influenced by the land there. The book has been sold to Portugal (Editorial Noticias) and Brazil (Bertrand Brazil). See the Carmen Balcells agency for rights.

Soaring onto the list in Argentina is Doves Fly Away by Carlos Gorostiza. The novel dissects the intertwined personal and political struggles of Ignacio, an idealistic young man who deserts the army in his homeland of Argentina and escapes to Barcelona, where he becomes embroiled in the Spanish Civil War. Investigating life under the rule of fascism, the book takes readers up to the country’s return to democracy after the death of Franco. The novel has caught fire in Argentina, with rights still available from Planeta Argentina.

The fractured nature of the self is again on the agenda in India, where Pankaj Mishra’s The Romantics follows Samar, a young graduate from Allahabad, whose restlessness within a dissolving caste system drives him to escape a future of dead-end, small-town jobs. Having fled to Benares and surrounded himself with a book-filled solitude, Samar is quickly distracted by a cadre of expatriates that includes Catherine, the French femme fatale who will destroy Samar’s equanimity once and for all. The work is said to be rendered in vivid and unsentimental prose. For what it’s worth, Mishra has quite a tale of his own to tell. He was an editor at HarperCollins India when his friend Arundhati Roy’s manuscript The God of Small Things landed on his desk. After helping to launch Roy into the stratosphere, Mishra decided it was high time he devoted more time to his own writing, although he has recently been appointed as a consulting editor for Picador India. The Romantics will be published by Picador UK and by Knopf in the US.

Meanwhile in Holland, Lulu Wang, the Chinese-Dutch writer whose first novel The Lily Theatre sold zillions of copies when it shot to the top of the list early last year and took the Nonino Prize for Literature in 1999, returns with her follow-up, The Tender Child. A memoir of the author’s early life in China, the book blew out the doors with a first printing of 160,000 (a record for Holland), with Doubleday picking up rights for the US (due out this spring). Hodder & Stoughton will publish in the UK at the same time, and a number of other countries have signed on, including France (Grasset), Germany (List), and Iceland (Mal og Menning). Rights to the new one are controlled by Linda Michaels.

Confirming everyone’s suspicion that the French are experiencing a craving to be scared out of their wits in the new millennium, Emmanuel Carrère’s The Adversary follows hard on the heels of fellow genre-novel Hannibal (which by the way is selling a confounding three times faster than the Goncourt prize winner — go figure). The Adversary’s hero is one Jean Claude Roman, who apparently kills every member of his family after deciding he had had quite enough of them all. Press coverage in France has deemed the book nothing less than an “editorial event,” and a first printing of 10,000 sold out even before the author made an appearance on Bouillon de Culture — France’s answer to Oprah.

Italy draws on truth rather than fiction for inspiration this month with The False Note in the Chorus, a collection of articles and essays from journalist Indro Montanelli. The famous correspondent founded Milan’s Il Giornale, which he headed until 1994. The book chronicles in part the terrible years of the red brigades and the fall of communism, among other episodes. Also on the list is Millennium Flop, a collection of political cartoons published over the past two years from the savage pen of Giorgio Forattini. The cartoonist was himself in the papers recently when Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema launched a legal action against him over a cartoon published in La Repubblica.

And offering definitive evidence that the world is just begging to be punished, Pokémon has arrived on the bestseller list in Australia. According to Mel Cox, Contracts and Foreign Sales Manager for Scholastic Australia, the Christmas season drove sales of this “official” handbook to one million units. The book is a guide to the Pokémon characters, and joins the scores of story and sticker books already flooding the market. Publishers, meanwhile, are privately consulting their Tarot cards to see if Pokémon will manage to avoid the one-hit wonder status that has dimmed the glory of other licensed product. For now, Cox says, all omens are in the affirmative: “Kids are mad about it.”

Let There Be Market Share

Although a record number of exhibitors and booksellers were registered for the CBA Expo over the week of January 24 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, many attendees apparently were caught without their snowmobiles, leaving attendance somewhat sparser than had been expected. Nevertheless, the general consensus indicated that business was booming. Several publishers reported a record number of sales and others were pleasantly surprised by booksellers’ upbeat enthusiasm.

Amid flurries of order-taking, the floor was abuzz with conversation about two recent acquisitions — Thomas Nelson of Rutledge Hill and Doubleday/Waterbrook of Harold Shaw Publishers — leading to the usual speculation about mergers and their merits. Generally, both deals were seen as a positive step for small publishers to gain strength in the increasingly competitive world of 21st-century publishing. As a case in point, Rutledge will become Nelson’s main avenue for reaching the general trade market, giving Nelson presence in the secular publishing arena. Larry Stone of Rutledge Hill will continue to head up the division. In related personnel moves, it was announced that Dave Moberg of Garborgs will head up Word Publishing, a division of Thomas Nelson. He will report to Lee Gessner, former publisher of Word who will now be responsible for imprints including Word and Rutledge Hill.

Speaking of the 21st century, nobody could fail to notice the hoopla surrounding the launch of, which was unveiled during the expo. As has been reported elsewhere, the site, which sucked up a $30 million private equity infusion and partnered with e-commerce gurus at Andersen Consulting, is a sister to Family Christian Stores, a chain of 346 Christian retail outlets in 39 states. President Jef Fite brazenly placed himself among the AOLs and Amazons of the world, noting in a press release that the site would be positioned as a “true life destination site” serving an estimated 40 million cybersurfing Christians. That number, some observers predict, will grow by an additional five million in the coming year. However the market gets sliced, iBelieve should get a jump on the game by leveraging FCS’s six-million member Family Perks frequent shopper program to promote the Internet venture. In-store kiosks are also planned for the bricks-and-mortar retailer, as a large number of Christian shoppers have not yet warmed to the Internet as a source of information about matters of faith.

Christian booksellers may be a bit behind the Internet curve, but as Expo attendees kept telling one another, you’ve got sales. Religious bookstores are expected to post 1999 sales of some $3 billion, a record nudged upward by everything from Y2K-mania to a boost in faith following the Columbine shootings. Even the end of the world, it seems, has its retail upside.

Carlyle’s Portfolio

A Peek Into the Military-Biblio Complex

The Carlyle Group has invested in a German maker of car ignition systems, owns the manufacturer of the Bradley M2A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and bought a company that specializes in ion exchange technologies for treating radioactive waste. It boasts former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci as chairman and counts former Secretary of State James A. Baker III as a partner. It controls the largest franchisor of non-cola soft drinks in the world, and though some in publishing may have forgotten this, the privately held Carlyle Group also has a 90% stake in the book wholesaler Baker & Taylor.

Though books take a back seat to missile launchers among Carlyle’s portfolio of 11 defense contractors, there is evidence that the firm’s publishing-related stakes may be on the offensive. Last June, Carlyle invested in the Figaro Group, which owns one of France’s leading daily newspapers, and in December the company took a majority stake in Entertainment Publications, the publisher of upscale coupon books and discount programs.

Closer to home, however, Carlyle joined the Tribune Company in plunking down a $30 million investment last August for, giving it a minority stake in the online textbook discounter. According to company documents, the VarsityBooks hit was part of a broader effort at Carlyle to target Internet-related firms with a special $210 million venture capital fund, which has brought on such diverse companies as Blackboard, an online learning firm that sells course website packages to colleges and universities, LatinForce.Net, an e-commerce portal targeting Hispanics in the US and Latin America, and MuniAuction, a website that has auctioned some $6 billion in bonds, notes, and certificates of deposit.

To date, Carlyle’s eclectic publishing units have little to commend them as an integrated group. But small alliances are shaping up. Baker & Taylor, for example, is the principal supplier for VarsityBooks, and has agreed not to offer direct-to-consumer fulfillment services for VarsityBooks’ competitors. According to documents filed with the SEC, VarsityBooks transmits orders to B&T within twenty minutes of their receipt; books are then slapped in VarsityBooks-branded boxes and shipped direct to the consumer, theoretically arriving within three business days of the order placement. Such a system should soon be getting a workout, given VarsityBooks’ recent alliance with ICQ, the AOL-owned interactive community. The deal gave VarsityBooks placement on ICQ’s student channels and eyeball-time in front of the rest of ICQ’s 50 million users. And while speaking of alliances, let’s not forget that B&T received a chunk of Amazon stock when it supplied the online bookseller with its proprietary database. B&T unloaded a good part of those shares for a tidy $43.7 million.

According to Carlyle Group principal Philip Dolan, Baker & Taylor has served ably as a platform for forays into the publishing market. “We’ve seen an opportunity to leverage the skill sets and the assets of Baker & Taylor to help seed new businesses in the Internet space,” Dolan says. “VarsityBooks was an opportunity where Baker & Taylor had all the systems in place and could be very supportive of this company’s business model.” He declined to speak about further investments in the publishing arena.

Regardless of future plans, Carlyle must be irritated that so much of its investment has ended up in court. Baker & Taylor finally closed a federal lawsuit last July, paying $3 million to settle a case contending that the wholesaler overcharged libraries by more than $100 million, reclassifying trade books as higher-priced nontrade books. After the settlement, however, individual states were free to pursue their own actions against the company; a spokesperson for B&T declined to comment on the issue. Then there’s the suit filed in December by the National Association of College Stores, which alleges that VarsityBooks’ claims of 40% discounts are bogus, since only a few books are sold at the advertised discount. VarsityBooks officials have insisted that the litigation is “completely without merit,” and have asked to have the suit dismissed. A NACS spokesperson said that a judge had not yet made a ruling on the matter.