Tag Archives: Abrams

Book View, September 2000

PEOPLE Rosanna Hansen has been named SVP, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Weekly Reader Corp. She left Reader’s Digest Children’s last month. . . Liz Maguire is leaving Free Press for Basic, where she will be Associate Publisher, Editorial Director. . . Since Abrams bought STC and Smithmark, there have been several casualties, including SVP Director…Continue Reading

Book View, August 2000

PEOPLE Kristina Peterson leaves Random Children’s to take over as President of S&S’s Children’s division. . . . Meanwhile Vivian Antonangeli has left Reader’s Digest Children’s, following the arrival of Harold Clarke — previously President of RH — as VP Publisher New Market Development for Global Books and Home Entertainment. Antonangeli, who had been GM…Continue Reading

Book View, January 2000

PEOPLE Other than arch rivals co-venturing (viz. BOMC and the Doubleday Clubs) and sales departments reorganizing (first Random, then Harper, then S&S. . . ), it’s been a quiet few weeks. Well, not exactly quiet: First, word came that B&N’s David Cully was going to Lechters as President and COO, and then S&S announced that…Continue Reading