Tag Archives: Anna Todd

International Bestsellers, April 2015

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Argentina and Greece. Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, March 2015

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Austria and Israel. Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original….Continue Reading

Fanfiction and Fandoms: A Primer, A History

The Magicians Trilogy author Lev Grossman in his 2011 Time article summarized the mentality surrounding fanfiction in mainstream culture as “what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker.” Now don’t get Grossman wrong—he is pro-fanfiction, but he…Continue Reading