Tag Archives: authors

Authors in the Biz

Conventional wisdom would suggest that authors who work in publishing would be the most critical as their insider knowledge allows them to judge the editing, selling and marketing capabilities of the house releasing their book. But in fact, what we discovered when we interviewed a number of people, is that these authors are among the…Continue Reading

Self-Published Authors at Toy Fair 2012: Approaches New and Old

Compared to the buzz over Toy Fair 2011’s co-located digital conference, Engage!, the “tech-mood” at Toy Fair 2012 was more subdued yet also more universal. The year, Engage! (now Digital Kids) will be setting up shop on its own in Los Angeles from April 21-25, and at this past week’s Toy Fair, digital components and…Continue Reading

Agents & E-Books Exclusive Survey Preview

The Idea Logical Company and Market Partners International recently conducted an anonymous, invitation-only survey of U.S. literary agents on the subject of e-book royalties, and many chose to comment on each question.* 135 agents took the survey. The findings—along with the reactions of seven publishing CEOs, who often questioned the agents’ contentions—will be presented by…Continue Reading

If You Build It, They Won’t Come: A Guide to Author Websites

To be on the Web or not to be on the Web—sorry, technophobic authors, that’s no longer the question. Rather, what should be on your website and how can you draw traffic to it? There’s no universal key to success. But with help from a recent groundbreaking report and four web designers who specialize in…Continue Reading

Book Me: Publishers Launch In-House Speakers Bureaux

According to HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman, there was a “confluence of events” that caused Harper to launch its Speakers Bureau, the first in what has become (with Penguin‘s recent entrance), a must-have accessory for major publishers. “Ever since the Bantam Speakers Bureau 30 years ago, I’ve thought ‘Wouldn’t it be a wonderful adjunct to our…Continue Reading