Trendspotting 2006

Last year brought more change to an industry which is, with varying results, trying hard to embrace it. We asked some people who have recently undergone and embraced their own transitions, to look at what changes they see on the horizon. Herewith:

Larry Kirshbaum,
Former CEO, TWBG
President, LJK Literary Management
& PW’s Publisher of the Year

In moving from the publishing to the agenting side of the business, I have taken a lot of ribbing from my ex-colleagues about “going over to the dark side.” Behind this not-so-innocent joshing is a sad commentary on the state of our business today.

It seems that more than ever, the book business has taken on an adversarial tone among the various elements that should be much more harmonious. The authors feel frustrated that they’re not getting enough attention from their publishers; the retailers are drowning in the endless waves of titles with large printings, many of which come out in the last few months of the year; and the publishers feel crushed by a pincer movement of agents on one side and retailers on the other all demanding more, more, more. As for the agents, I won’t speak for them since I’m brand new, but let’s say I have come to have an entirely new perspective on their frustrations as well!

So what’s the answer? Perhaps I’m a bit naïve, but I have always believed that our “whole” as an industry is greater than the sum of our parts. We have created a business with over $20 billion in sales while the cultural role that we play is stronger than ever. And the quality of broadly-appealing titles is better than ever.

Perhaps each segment has to assume responsibility for its own issues. Authors have to become even more skilled at selling their own books through lectures, better media training and their own web sites. Retailers must become more creative using both bricks-and-mortar and on-line databases as a way of expanding their marketplace. And publishers have to be more aggressive with marketing dollars, especially for smaller books.

As for agents, they are very wise and should be listened to at all times….

Jeff Abraham,
Former Executive Director, BISG
President, Random House Distribution Services

Even in our industry, where change is the norm, 2005 was a year of remarkable transitions. Some of them created and sustained new collaborative models. Some focused on integrating the book business into retailing worldwide. And some involved technologies that will affect us increasingly in the future.

One big set of changes revolved around ISBN-13. In the process of transitioning to that new standard, publishers, wholesalers and retailers of all sizes and kinds found themselves working together toward consensus solutions. Because various sectors of the industry were and are collaborating, BISG was able to create the go-to site for ISBN-13 information and help. The site is especially significant in this context because of its ISBN-13 Readiness Directory, where publishers, booksellers and POS vendors continually post information about their readiness and then access information others have posted. This show-me-yours-and-I’ll-show-you-mine means of facilitating change may be new on such a broad scale. Certainly, it’s effective.
A second set of changes had to do with an increasingly obvious fact: being in the book business means interacting with companies in a wide variety of other businesses—including major retailers in the United States and around the world. To facilitate transactions in the international, multi-industry economy that surrounds and intersects with the conventional world of books, people from all sectors of our industry focused in on GDSN (aka, the Global Data Synchronization Network) during 2005. One goal, which BISG is pursuing, is to make sure that this network treats print and reference material in ways consistent with the systems we already use.

Another ongoing project involves the continued investigation of how the book industry will benefit from RFID (that’s Radio Frequency Identification, as with EZ passes). Widespread use of RFID in the book industry remains a reality still somewhat over the horizon, but 2005 saw progress as BISG representatives helped draft privacy guidelines and participated in major meetings.

In light of the variety and magnitude of current transitions and the prospects for ceaseless change going forward, 2005 also turned out to be a year of formal planning for tomorrow in the book business. For the first time in its history, BISG embarked on a formal strategic planning process. The resulting strategic plan is now in preparation and scheduled for release in 2006, a year that will include a transition of my own. To end on a personal note, I found it extremely rewarding to serve as the Book Industry Study Group’s executive director for the past three and a half years, and I’m looking forward to the challenges of change in my new position as President, Random House Distribution Services.

Jesse Kornbluth,
Head Editor & Founder,

The Internet is the greatest literacy project since Gutenberg. E-mail—now and forever, the Web’s killer app—makes everyone who uses it a better reader and writer. could it possibly be easier to shop for books? And Google aspires to digitize every book, the better to serve up snippets—and inspire sales.

So I giggle when I hear that the Internet will be the death of books.
The question is: What is a book? If publishers insist that a book must take a traditional form (paper, binding, cover) and be marketed the traditional way (review copies, print/radio/TV ads), then the future of books is not bright. But if we redefine a book to mean simply a container for words, then the doors of technology swing wide open, and there are a number of new ways to get the stuff of books to consumers—and keep the book business from succeeding at what it seems to have been trying to do all my adult life: commit suicide.

Some books will be ideal for hand-held devices, either as audio or condensed text, and as we see what those are, there will be more of them. More publishers will follow the model Seth Godin sometimes favors: offer a book as a free download for a limited time, then put it on sale. And if Japan is any harbinger, 60-to-80-chapter novels delivered to cell phones, one short “chapter” at a time, could be a completely new business for publishers.
Back in the real world, there’s one other phenomenon emerging. I think of the 1.2 million unique visitors that my partner, Carol Fitzgerald, connects to writers at The Book Report Network. I consider’s 16-to-18% conversion rate—the percentage of readers who are captivated enough by my daily recommendation to click the Amazon link and go on to buy the book. And I come to an obvious conclusion—compelling methods of digital handselling are critical to the marketing of books.

Andrea Chambers,
Director, MS Publishing Program, New York University

As the publishing industry becomes more global and multi-platform, educational institutions, too, need to adopt a more expansive mindset. At NYU, where our masters program trains students for management positions in both books and magazines, we closely monitor changes in publishing and tailor our curriculum to the complexities and needs of the industry. Students no longer simply learn the fundamentals of editorial, sales, marketing, and other basics. They will be taught to anticipate innovations at every step of the way, whether that means advances in digitized content or projecting the new retail and distribution landscape for books and magazines five years down the road.

To grasp the intricacies of this faster-paced publishing environment, students at every professional program will face a shifting educational process in the coming years. Research-based term papers will decrease in importance and empirical, hands-on projects that simulate actual workplace tasks will predominate. Case studies, business and marketing plans, magazine prototypes, and team projects that replicate those in publishing will take on increasing importance.

This intricate interconnection between the classroom and the workplace means that the old boundaries will gradually disappear. Teachers preparing students for careers in publishing should all be active professionals who share their daily workplace experiences and expertise with their students. Increasingly, they will mold their syllabi to reflect the life cycle of a book or a magazine publication schedule so that students learn to think like publishers. To augment the flow of information into the classroom, teachers will continue to invite their publishing colleagues to give guest presentations on what is cutting edge in the industry.

All in all, the classroom will move forward aggressively with its metamorphosis to active training ground, a creative yet rigorous laboratory for brewing future formulas for publishing success. We may also see a time when well-established book editors and publishers will go back to school for refresher courses, just as doctors and lawyers do. That once sleepy publishing industry is suddenly so fast-moving that even old pros may need a little help to stay as progressive as their industry.

2005: Breaking Traditional Tunnel Vision

At this time last year, Google had formulated its plan to launch Google Print — an end of the year event that prompted us to proclaim 2004 the year of the technology comeback. 2005 saw the aftereffects of this techno renaissance, with publishers both embracing technology as it moved into the mainstream (think viral marketing), and fighting against it (think AAP lawsuits; an interesting addendum is the recent Hitwise stat that 10.8% of visitors find e-tailers through Google).

Despite lingering trepidation, publishers are more seamlessly integrating the internet into their publishing programs. However, some are still suffering from a case of traditional tunnel vision—recording successes based on old criteria, rather than acclimating themselves to more non-traditional methods of reaching the reader.

The commodification of books and fragmentation of the retail landscape has continued this year as non-books and non-bookstore sales proliferate, forcing publishers to acknowledge the increasing importance of non-traditional markets and venues, from grocery stores to sporting goods outlets.
Digital opportunities abound: an uptick in audiobook sales, as downloads become real; online promotion and retailing by publishers; digitizing—and therefore making permanently accessible—backlist titles; traditional book clubs emulating Netflix in hopes of reviving weary readers (PT March ’05). The more we look back on the successes we’ve recorded, the more panglossian we feel. Here’s to 2006.

Gift Cards, Bob’s Feed Barn, and Marketing on MySpace

In one of our most talked about articles of the year Talking Grapefruits Thinking Grisham (April ’05), we investigated what is fast becoming the consumer currency of choice: gift cards. By the end of 2004, 80% of all American adults had received at least one gift card, with 90% classifying their gift card experience as “very positive.” The effect on books? Surveys show that consumers are spending more while shopping at fewer stores, and with shoppers seeking out gift cards as first-choice gifts rather than as last minute fillers, prescient patrons are now going to CVS with the express purpose of buying gift cards to Barnes & Noble.

Sainsbury’s in the UK became the first supermarket to sell National Book Tokens, essentially acting as an agent receiving commission for driving traffic and sales into book stores. Similarly in the US, supermarkets and drug stores sell gift cards—the Barnes & Noble-Safeway deal brings a B&N presence to the A&P, Stop & Shop, Lowe’s, and the like. Studies show that when card holders come to redeem their cards, they often take two store visits, and overspend the card’s face value by 40%.

Cross-marketing and cross-promotion have been much talked about across the industry this year. In Marketing Makeover (Oct. ’05) we examined the ways in which publishers are trying to define and reach a new generation of readers as well as reassess their older demos. Sue Fleming, VP Marketing Director Simon & Schuster said, “Before, most publishers felt that marketing focused on retailers—on book placement, book promotion in stores. In my experience, it’s turned into something else entirely. There are many more mediums within which to work, to use as tools, and the lines between each are grayer than they used to be.”

These “tools” have come to include everything from video book trailers to MySpace profiles and websites for fictional characters, all with the end goal of creating word of mouth by turning prospective readers into consumers, and getting them to do the marketing.

On the distribution front, 2005 witnessed the re-entry of publishers offering warehousing and fulfillment services. Distributors, in turn, found themselves stepping up by expanding their scope (E.g. distributing internationally, or into non-traditional markets).

The proliferation of distributors peddling the latter option, brought us to an examination of specialty distributors (July ’05) that sell books into everywhere from JoAnn’s to Bob’s Feed Barn.

Aural Fixation, Christians, and Some Overly-Smitten Scrapbookers

In addition to retail crossover, 2005 witnessed increased crossover between publishing categories. In Aural Fixation (Sept. ’05) we devoted an entire issue to audiobooks. Audible saw competition on the horizon for the first time with Amazon’s announcement that they will begin offering digital downloads from their site next year, and with MediaBay and Overdrive (aggregators of digital content) forming an increased number of partnerships with publishers.

Lines between Christian and Trade markets continued to blur with growth on all fronts. In Crossing Over (May, ’05), we recounted that religious book spending recorded a double digit gain for the second consecutive year increasing 10.7% to $2.9 billion. Although much of the growth can be attributed to the American public’s growing religious fervor, the most successful religious titles are embedding themselves into other genres—think Christian chick-lit (West Bow’s Savannah in Savannah), crossover inspirational (Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life), and Mystery/Thriller (The Left Behind Series). Many books put out by Christian imprints are not easily recognizable as such, abandoning the dogmatic for messages hidden within the seemingly secular.

Finally, multi-platform publishers are taking advantage of the diversification—finding common footing and drive behind purchases in subject matter and particular niche markets (e.g. scrapbooking) rather than through a specific publishing platform, be it strictly books, magazines, etc. These tightly integrated synergistic powerhouses have been steadily streamlining and gaining momentum, consolidating, acquiring, and expanding to be able to dominate categories, and capitalize on crossover.

All of the aforementioned articles are available on our website,, or subscribers may contact us for copies of any story missing from their own archives.

Bookview, January 2006

Even the seemingly endless holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s hasn’t dulled the urge to move:

Jeff Abraham, Executive Director of BISG, has been appointed President, Random House Distribution Services, a new position. John Groton, VP, Client Relations, and Kevin Mailloux, Director, Operations Distribution Services, will report to him and he will report to Josh Wright, VP Operations.

Jennifer Pasanen, formerly VP Marketing and most recently Franchise Manager at Scholastic has been named VP Group Director at Verso Advertising. She will supervise major accounts including Harper Children’s and Bantam/Dell.

Pocket Books VP Publicity Director Hillary Schupf is leaving to join Sirius Satellite Radio as Senior Director, Public Relations in charge of Howard Stern, Martha Stewart and all entertainment talk channels.
Gary Urda has been named VP, Associate Publisher of Atria. Anne Zafian will replace Gary as VP, DSRM sales.

Colleen Lindsay, Assistant Director of Publicity at Ballantine, has been laid off. She may be reached at 917.312.1612.

Lee Miller is leaving Globe Pequot Press to become the new product Development Director for Waterford Press, one of Pequot’s distribution clients. Meanwhile, Maureen Graney has been named Editor-in-Chief of GP’s Lyons Press line. She was at The Taunton Press.

Emma Sweeney has left Harold Ober to open The Emma Sweeney Agency.

Steven Schragis has been named Editorial Director at Travel Savvy Magazine. He had been national director at The Learning Annex, and had owned Carol Publishing.

Craig Herman is going to Running Press as VP Marketing and Publicity. He was most recently at Spier NY and S&S. At another Perseus imprint, Public Affairs, Whitney Peeling has joined as Director of Publicity. She was Assistant Director at Houghton Mifflin.

Kylie Foxx has left Marlowe & Company/Avalon. . . . Katie Blough has left AAP, where she was Director of Public Relations and Promotions. . . . Paul Crichton, recently departed Publicity Director at Regan is back at work, now in Simon Spotlight’s publicity department.

Maggie Kneip will join Abrams (HNA) as VP, Marketing, on January 9, 2006, reporting to Michael Jacobs.

Scholastic has announced that Michael di Capua will bring his imprint to Scholastic effective January 2006. Michael di Capua Books was launched at FSG in 1987, moved to HarperCollins in 1991 and then to Hyperion Books for Children in 1999.

Colin Robinson who left The New Press because of “differences between Diane Wachtell, the Executive Director of the press, and myself.” Colin may be reached at

ICM agent Jud Laghi will join Larry Kirshbaum’s start-up agency LJK Literary Management. Laghi’s projects include this year’s bestselling Why Do Men Have Nipples?

Riverhead Co-Publishers Julie Grau and Cindy Spiegel left Penguin’s Riverhead at the beginning of December to take up similar roles at Doubleday.

After leaving HarperCollins as the Publisher of Collins Design, Laurie Rippon has set up shop as an illustrated book consultant and packager. She can be reached at


Patrick Nolan has been promoted to VP Paperback Sales at Penguin.
Krista Lyons-Gould has been named publisher of Seal Press, an imprint of Avalon. She continues as VP Editorial.

Promotions at Warner: Caryn Karmatz-Rudy to Executive Editor, Jaime Levinegoes from editorial director of Warner Aspect to Senior Editor, reporting to Beth de Guzman. In publicity, Jimmy Franco to deputy publicity director, after 12 years at Warner; Tanisha Christie to publicist, for Warner Forever and in-house liaison for Warner Business.

Little, Brown also has announced a number of promotions: Reagan Arthur and Judy Clain have both been named executive editors; Liz Nagle is now an editor; Michael Mezzo is an associate editor; and Heather Fain has become deputy director of publicity.

At Abrams, Steve Tager, VP of Sales and Marketing has been promoted to SVP, Sales and Distribution and will oversee the publishing operations group.

At Jean Naggar’s Agency Alice Tasman has been named senior agent, Mollie Glick agent and contracts manager, and Jessica Regel also becomes an agent.


The Brooklyn Academy of Music’s 2006 “Eat, Drink & Be Literary” program kicks off January 12 with Kurt Anderson‘s interview with Gish Jen. On January 26 Anderson takes on Julian Barnes. Jonathan Safran Foer is scheduled for February 23 and his wife, Nicole Krauss, gets her turn on June 1. For a full listing go to the National Book Foundation, BAM’s partner in this series, at www.


Publishers are being asked to join the effort to help revitalize The New Orleans Public Library in the wake of the Katrina disaster, following the lead of HNA (Harry N. Abrams). On December 9th, HNA held a New Orleans-themed Holiday party and invited its staff as well as authors, artists and others to donate books that would be matched by HNA. More than 1000 books are expected to be shipped to the New Orleans Public Library. Hardcover and paperback books for people of all ages may be sent directly to the following address: Rica A. Trigs, Public Relations Department, New Orleans Public Library, 219 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112. Phone: 504/ 421-7055 or

DM reports this month about Audible’s new ad campaign that revolves around the slogan “Don’t Read.” The ads, created by, are a tongue-in-cheek play on the ALA’s “Read” campaign, featuring various characters listening to Audible programs on their MP3 players. A digital audio player built into the ad, lets users listen to 28 audio clips directly from the unit. Users can also send the clip to a friend by e-mail or text message. The ads have been prominent on sites like (see p.5) this week.

Although Michael Korda only claims to be slowing down and not retiring, S&S paid tribute to his “extraordinary career” by taking over the Grill room of the Four Seasons for much of the evening and a no-holds-barred event. Speakers included colleagues and his authors Henry Kissinger, David McCullough and Mary Higgins Clark as well as Bob Gottlieb (who is getting around these days, see below). Among the first industry superstars to arrive were Jason Epstein, Liz Smith, Mort Janklow and Bob Loomis.


Longtime publishing executive and editor Leona Nevler, 79, died suddenly on December 10. Nevler was a senior editor at Berkley Books, an imprint of the Penguin Group. For much of her career she was an executive at Fawcett Books. At the memorial tribute, speakers included Bob Gottlieb—who painted a brief nostalgic portrait of publishing “then” and Nevler’s influence on paperback publishing at that time, for the younger generation which was present in substantial numbers—Susan Kennedy, Jonathan Dolger and Arlene Friedman as well as Nevler’s two children.

Synergy Scores: Magazine and Book Publishers Ramp Up Those Multi-Media Platforms

This June when F+W Publications was sold to private equity firm Abry Partners for a sum in excess of $500 million, more than a few eyebrows were raised. Aside from the price tag, there was the fact that the company was transferred from one private equity firm (Providence Equity) to another, even though it had been mainly marketed to magazine companies looking to expand. More important, the sale highlighted the effectiveness (and desirability) of a multi-platform publisher whose divisions — magazines, books, book clubs, trade shows, websites, and education programs — work together in synergy, cross-marketing, cross-selling, and cross-developing content to cut costs while enhancing its consumer base. At the time, it was said in the press that F+W’s sales were expected to hit over $280 million this year (although this number is being currently questioned in court) — with more than half of the revenue reportedly coming not from F+W’s 3,000 books, but from their nearly 60 special interest magazines and other non-book business. Many hadn’t even heard the name F+W before the sale — nor did they realize that the publisher of Writer’s Digest and Deer & Deer Hunting were one and the same, and that the company also owned the International Gift & Collectible Expo, as well as graphic design powerhouses ID and Print magazines. Even with legal proceedings afoot, most would agree that Bill Riley created a model of synergy that few publishers have yet to mimic – although many are in the process of elaborating on their models in order to try (see chart on page 6).

A License to Print Money

There are as many models of synergy as there are multi-platform publishers. Some companies embrace full integration (Rodale, and Meredith on the large side, Cook’s Illustrated and AARP on the more focused side), while others operate under a partial integration model that keeps magazines and books close, but more or less separate from other corporate arms (Time Inc., Hearst). Others, such as Morris Communications, heretofore one operation in name only, have made recent strides to integrate their publishing group, Globe Pequot, with the rest of the company.

Like F+W, Morris defines itself in terms of niche category groups rather than by platform — The Outdoor Group, for example, publishes Gray’s Sporting Journal. There’s also a “Gray’s Sporting Journal, Television” on the Outdoor Life Network, and Globe Pequot and Lyons are known for their outdoor and sporting titles.

With holdings in newspapers, magazines and books, radio stations, and computer services, Morris’ latest move is into visitor guide publications. (Morris purchased Globe Pequot in 1998 and has since continued their expansion into travel and visitor guides including Guest Informant – hardcover city guides that are delivered in-room at hundreds of hotels across the country, and Where Magazine.)

Having made this massive entrée into the hotel travel market, Morris is now poised to actively cross-promote between its book, magazine and visitor guide divisions, utilizing these cross- divisional resources to place magazines and books in targeted locations for maximum exposure and sales. Morris has positioned itself as a dominant player in the regional travel and outdoor recreation (fishing, hunting, rock climbing) arena, and with roughly one-quarter of their book sales coming from their book distribution lines (Mobil, Woodall, Bradt, Thomas Cook, etc.), their status is only reinforced.

Linda Kennedy, President and Publisher of Globe Pequot said, “We’re looking forward to reaching travelers from hotel rooms as well as bookstores, thanks to partnering possibilities with our Morris sister divisions.”

At Meredith, book and magazine involvement “ranges from 0 to 100%,” according to Linda Cunningham, Editorial Director of Meredith’s book group. “Some books, like the Better Homes & Gardens recipe book, are taken straight from the magazine, while others are completely original.” Cunningham said that cooking, decorating, and gardening books tend to come straight from the magazines, while with others, like the BH&G DIY plumbing book “we just take the brand and run – they don’t tell you how to fix your plumbing in Better Homes & Gardens,” she said.

Better Homes & Gardens, Meredith’s oldest and most identifiable brand, just published the 75th anniversary edition of the BH&G cookbook. “We tend to sell anywhere from 400,000 to 1 million copies a year,” Cunningham said. “It’s the second bestselling book next to the Bible. Every time we print a new edition, it’s basically a license to print money.”

For Jacqueline Deval, Publisher of Hearst Books, “Books are a natural extension of magazine brands and content. There are lots of advantages for a book publisher working with a magazine publisher, but the business relationship only works well when the book and magazine people work closely together in planning new book concepts and in planning their launch.” Hearst Books is a division of Sterling through a licensing arrangement: Hearst approves publication of the books (proposed by Hearst magazine, Hearst Books, and/or Sterling editors) which are subsequently produced, published and distributed by Sterling.

The bottom line, Deval says, is this: “Magazines are a terrific source of content — of photography and of ideas — and offer a tremendous platform to launch a book, through exposure in the magazine and also by the lift that the familiarity of the brand name delivers in the marketplace.”

Elizabeth Carduff, M.E. of Cook’s Illustrated books, talked about the “instant credibility” her books receive when people see the Cook’s Illustrated and America’s Test Kitchen logos. America’s Test Kitchen, the overarching company and actual kitchen in Boston that tests the recipes for the books, runs two magazines — Cook’s Illustrated and the less-than-a-year-old Cook’s Country — as well as a cooking show on PBS, also known as America’s Test Kitchen.

“Our book and magazine programs are very integrated,” Carduff said. “We run editorial separately and distinctly, but the assets of each entity come together in certain products in certain ways. We draw from years of archives, and there are numerous different ways that the material is carved up and used.” Up until now, Cook’s Illustrated has been doing 4-6 books a year, but Carduff said that going forward they ultimately plan on producing 15-20. Although many of the books are collections of recipes that have appeared in the magazines that year (or, like Cook’s Illustrated Annual, simply bound editions of the magazine) others, like the Best Recipes series have new recipes that were created entirely for the book division.

Beyond the brand itself, other publishers fortify crossover success by highlighting columnists and editors from their magazines — nearly every Time Inc. book has “By the Editors of (People, Life, Essence…)” displayed prominently on the front page. At AARP Books, Managing Editor Allan Fallow said, “What we’re trying to do with the book division is build on the success of the magazine. We look toward the magazine to identify ideas, trends, proposals.” He offered the example of a piece Sid Kirchheimer did for AARP The Magazine entitled ‘17 Ways To Avoid Getting Ripped Off.’ Since Kirchheimer’s regular column for the AARP Bulletin, Scam Alert, generates the highest volume of mail from subscribers, and is immediately recognizable to AARP’s 35 million members (AARP Books’ target audience), Fallow — along with Hugh Delehanty, Publications Editor in Chief — decided to expand it into 300 or 400 tips for a book. They presented the idea to Kirchheimer who did all of the legwork himself. Fallow and AARP edited it, and then their publisher Sterling took on the production, manufacturing, distribution, and promotion. “That sort of integration is what we’re counting on for the success of the book program,” Fallow said.

What The Subscriber Base Wants

When conceiving of book ideas, Meredith Books’ editorial staff draws upon one of its parent company’s assets: one of the largest consumer databases in the country that offers them anywhere from 300-1,000 data points on 80 million homes or, as Cunningham pointed out, “2/3 of all American households.” Cunningham emphasized that the book group has its own marketing department that uses the research database to make decisions on everything from concepts to editorial choices, covers and cover lines to price points. Focus groups can be easily assembled, and the input plays a large role in tailoring the books to fit their target demographic. “We’re very good at getting the book at where the consumer is — special markets, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Linens ‘N’ Things, Auto Zone,” Cunningham said. “With American Chopper, for example, we got the book into Hot Topic. We know where America shops, and it isn’t on Madison Avenue.”

However, Cunningham said, “We don’t use magazine readers as stand-ins for book buyers. We only talk to book buyers about what they’d like.” The crossover from magazine readers to book readers depends on the subject matter, and is difficult to measure.

Cook’s Illustrated’s Carduff said, “We reach out to our subscriber base to do surveys about possible books since a good portion of our books are bought by subscribers to the magazine.” The surveys revolve mainly around questions of possible features, topics and titles for the books, and not around price point. “We have some software where we can bring in focus groups, and ask things like, ‘Are color photos important to you? Timelines? Grocery lists?’ We can get qualitative info about what the subscriber base wants.” Carduff noted that they don’t only contact magazine subscribers, they also reach out to people who subscribe to the website, and watch the television show.

At Rodale, the book group draws upon Rodale magazine research, as well as research from other divisions to make editorial decisions. Rodale’s Consumer Marketing Database contains 55 million consumer files, including more than 1 million e-mail addresses. Although the trade book group doesn’t conduct research through the magazines (surveys, etc.) they do query people who have already consented to be on editorial panels for other divisions.
Fallow said that AARP does run polls, as well as distribute questionnaires and surveys, “But for the most part, we have so much on-going, day to day contact with our readers – who are constantly calling, e-mailing and writing other branches of AARP — that we have a good idea of what their hot-button issues are,” Fallow said. “We don’t solicit. We just absorb.”

Active Cross-Promotion

Although, because of AARP’s non-profit status, AARP The Magazine and the AARP Bulletin can’t run ads for the books, every book is allowed one editorial mention. “But one mention means one mention in four separate publications,” according to Fallow, including AARP’s combined Spanish-English Segunda Juventud, and the National Retired Teacher’s Association publication Live and Learn. “When the AARP Crash Course in Estate Planning came out last January, we ran a mention on page 23 of the AARP Bulletin, and the book immediately jumped to number three on” AARP offers a link to on its website.

Wenner Books recently had a two-page spread in Wenner-owned US Weekly to promote US Weekly branded books like Secrets of Celebrity Style: A Crash Course In Dressing Like the Stars, and also prominently displays book titles on their various magazine websites. TW’s Southern Living created a Tupperware-type party plan business, which sells some Oxmoor House books through its agents. Time Inc. sends e-mail blasts to all of Time Inc. owned magazines’ subscribers telling them about new book offers, and offering them discounts on the books, and opt-in opportunities in a three-books-a-year mini-continuity.

Meredith advertises their books in Meredith magazines in pay, remnant and editorial space. “It depends on how interested the editor in chief is,” Cunningham said. “We present the materials, and they’re more than predisposed to run an excerpt if they like.” In return, Meredith has put subscription cards for their magazines inside their books, along with questionnaires. “We’re an actively cross-promoting book group,” Cunningham said. “For example, we did a book with the Today’s Show kitchen, and there was an interview with Katie Couric in Ladies Home Journal, a reference to the book and a few recipes.”

Often magazines go to third parties for book deals, though expectations have to be managed says Parachute Publishing’s Susan Knopf, who worked on Seventeen Magazine’s branded books, published by HarperCollins. “A circulation of 4 million doesn’t translate into sales of 4 million or even 4 hundred thousand. The books need to find their own audience and prove themselves over time.” She added, “The cross-sell is much more difficult than cross-promotion.”

ABPA Package or Perish

On November 9 the American Book Producers Association hosted its annual conference at the Player’s Club, and 120 people attended a day that began with a keynote from PW’s Sara Nelson (who proudly announced that PW had won first prize for editorial in the Publishing/Journalism category at the recent Folio Awards), and ended with a panel titled “What’s Next? Future Trends and Strategies for Success.” While there were many packagers (or as they prefer, ‘book producers’) in attendance, more than half the group were from large and small publishers.

The early sessions offered packagers and publishers practical workshops, and the presenters, which included Jim Becker (becker+mayer!) on P&Ls, Parachute’s Susan Knopf, Stonesong’s Judy Lindon and Rodales’s Zach Schisgal on “proposals that sell,” as well as several other well-versed pros, delivered useful nuggets of hard won experience. Susan Knopf told the audience that Stonesong founder Paul Fargis had once warned her that proposals submitted in 8 1/2 ” x 11″ “fall to the bottom of the In Box,” and should be avoided at all costs. Jim Becker explained why, despite the enormous outlay, cash flow — as well as profits — improve when packagers deliver finished books. At a later session Nancy Hall and Perseus’s J. McCrary divulged useful information on selling to display marketers (if possible, do it before selling the project to a publisher), finding custom publishing clients, and preparing for international editions.

The final panel of the day brought together Perseus CEO David Steinberger, Scholastic Book Fairs and Trade President Lisa Holton, Chronicle President and CEO Jack Jensen and DK Publisher Carl Raymond in a lively discussion about the future of the industry and how each participant viewed the opportunities available to his or her company. Steinberger defended his model of small publishers clustered around a distributor (CDS) by theorizing that “size is the enemy of creativity.” He admitted that, when he first came to Perseus and looked at growth options, owning a distribution company presented a clear opportunity. Jack Jensen talked about Chronicle’s aggressive move into direct-to-consumer sales, both online and with its two stores. He and Lisa Holton agreed that having retail interactions with consumers helped the editorial process. Carl Raymond talked about the many ways in which DK is modifying its original mission, including developing product specifically for the US market, extending successful travel series into lifestyle areas, and doing more “book plus” projects. As each panelist presented, fellow panelists were seen jotting down notes, and following the session, spent time on the stage with follow up questions to their colleagues.

PT’s Lorraine Shanley moderated the ‘Future Trends and Strategies’ panel.

Watch Your Backlist

Publishers and Booksellers Re-Assess Their Backlists, Stocking Deeper, While Printing Less, Plus: Looking Beyond the Shelf

Backlist has always been a cash cow for those willing to milk it. Publishers have long tried enticing booksellers with annual promotions, Buy-Now-Pay-Later deals, Just In Time Inventory and the like – all with the hope of boosting their backlist cushion. And yet, invariably, attention wanes as focus shifts back to the frontlist, and the backlist is neglected, until the cycle flips anew.

In the era of the Long Tail, the ease with which a title can be published and then kept in print has resulted in a staggering 450,000 English language titles flooding the global market in 2004. Technology has intensified this torrent, even as it has created methods – think Google, Amazon, Lightning – to navigate it.

As Josh Marwell, President of Sales at HarperCollins said, “The challenge for the industry is to make sense of how to organize, sell and merchandize these titles. A lot of booksellers just throw their hands up and say forget it, unable to make sense of it all, but it’s much more profitable to figure it out.”

The Backlist, Essentially

Nearly four years ago, John Rubin – coming out of a 10 year stint as a management consultant – went into his mother’s independent bookstore in Chicago to help her manage her cash flow. It was there, after coming to the realization that his mother’s store was operating “in a vacuum” that he began working on Above the Treeline, a web based, sales organization tool for the independent trade, Christian and university booksellers. Rubin established the company under two premises: 1) To provide booksellers with the tools to help them better manage their titles, and 2) As a way in which to link independent stores by allowing them to see what was selling not only in their own stores but elsewhere. The program works by mining stores’ point of sale data, and loading it onto a central server, according to Rubin. The data is then organized and can be used to create buy and return lists, view publisher’s core lists, create sales goals, see what categories are selling in both one’s own store and others, etc. There are also plans in the works that will enable bookstores to buy directly on the Above the Treeline site through both distributors and publishers.

“Seventy-five of the larger independents and small chains are already signed on, including Tattered Cover, Powells, Northshire and Harry Schwartz,” Rubin said. ATL isn’t just for buyers and stores, but for sales reps as well, boasting partnerships with publishers such as Random House, Harper Collins, Penguin, S&S, Norton and Wiley among others.

“We’re providing the program as a conduit for their sales reps,” he said. “It’s easier to identify what’s going to move, and make suggestions. Backlist can be so big, it’s difficult to sift through it. We enable stores to manage their backlist.”

Above the Treeline also works with 150 stores in the CBA market along with Christian publishers Thomas Nelson, Tyndale and Zondervan. It was through Zondervan that HarperCollins first became aware of ATL technology, and began investigating a possible relationship of their own. The result, the HarperCollins Essential Backlist program that began beta testing at the end of September, and goes live the first week of November (

An incentive program that rewards retailers for taking different levels of stock of their core backlist, Essential Backlist has discount categories that range from small cuts for stores that stock 25% of core titles, all the way up to a significantly larger price slash for stores who stock up to 75% plus.

According to HC’s Marwell, titles in the promotion were compiled through a composite of information – “These lists are notoriously difficult to create,” he said. “We were careful not to put remainders on the list, to make a very real list with titles that resonate.”

Daniel Goldin, a buyer at Harry Schwartz Bookstores said that they are participating in Essential Backlist through ATL. “We are very supportive of publisher efforts to find our backlist holes,” Goldin said. “We have been using Above the Treeline with several publishers to fill these holes without any more reward than successful sales increases.”

Chris Morrow, co-owner of Northshire Books, also uses ATL which he says makes it “much easier to identify backlist titles which we should be paying attention to.” Northshire, where 70% of books are six months or older, is currently waiting to talk to HC about their program.

Publishers working with ATL are also pleased with the program. Bill Rusin, VP, Trade Sales, WW Norton has been working with ATL for a couple of months, and thinks they’re “absolutely fantastic.” Rusin said that Norton isn’t launching a new backlist incentive program with ATL, they’re just folding the information gathered from the program into their backlist promotion plan – “which we’ve continually tweaked over the past 20 years.” What makes ATL work, according to Rusin, is the fact that it gives on hand inventory and rate of sale which allows reps to nudge buyers for a re-order. The prevailing assumption that accounts will reorder when they note changes in inventory or sales rates, is “incredibly unrealistic” since accounts have so much on their plates – so having a program that shows the publisher all of the sales data account by account is a real boon.

Carlo De Vito, former publisher of Chamberlain (an imprint of Penguin) and Running Press, agreed. “As often as I’ve been upset with one buy or another, the fact of the matter is, any buyer is completely overwhelmed. As a buyer, it’s not your responsibility to keep pushing someone’s backlist if they are not. It’s just a sad fact of the jungle.”

Mike Shatzkin, whose Idea Logical Company helps publishers increase their sales through the analysis of inventory and sales patterns, agrees: “Between the need to cover the frontlist and monitor the movement of backlist, most buyers are maxed out on time and bandwidth. But a lot of improvements can be made by minor adjustments on titles that are under the old-fashioned radar, but which stand out when the searchlights are trained on them.”

The Shelf Gets Short Shrift

As frontlist titles proliferate, and backlist titles are vigorously resurrected, the question remains – just because a store has a deeper backlist stash, will the books necessarily ever see the shelf space, or get the staff attention, necessary to sell?

Most publishers complain that although booksellers always want to have more backlist titles on hand, they have become reluctant to give those titles the shelf space they need.

“The whole drive behind backlist is twofold: One, is to put books back on the shelf that may have fallen off, and two is to find books that are underrepresented on the shelf and turn spine outs into face outs, etc,” said Matty Goldberg, VP Sales and Marketing Perseus, “But shelf space only goes so far, you can only have so many face outs, so it turns into making it worth the bookseller’s while.”

Since the competition for shelf space is so fierce, some publishers are skipping the struggle entirely, and reprinting and repackaging books whose second incarnations are never intended to see the shelf. Rather, the books, exhibited in special displays throughout the store act as reminders, directing customer attention to other titles that may be tucked away. De Vito, for example, worked on the Wiley’s Dummies Series mini books, which were placed on spinners near the check out. He sold Wiley on the idea, by pushing not only the books themselves, but the fact that they would act as publicity for the regular sized Wiley books – mini-ads that customers would be sure to see, and revenue generators to boot. The books not only sold themselves but redirected customers back to the original series. De Vito also repackaged Signet Classics with DVD’s of movie classics for Chamberlain, which were also sold on special displays.

“We had a tremendous response, especially from the independents, for the Signet/Chamberlain Bros. classics,” De Vito said. “We created a 12-copy pre-pack, which was quite successful on the laydown.” De Vito said that the spinner for Dummies minis also had a 24-copy pre-pack with header, and that both were hugely successful, selling hundreds of thousands of copies a piece.

Another Penguin packaging invention, Hot Shots, launched at the end of September, serves the similar function of a miniature ad – displayed on floor stands throughout stores. The line features the short work (between 96-128 pages) of six authors that has previously been available only in anthology/collection form. The super-low $2.99 price point is set to mimic i-Tunes and the idea of “sampling” individual works – with the sought after end result being to fuel future purchases by the same author in their more expansive (and expensive) forms. Originally the books were intended for supermarkets and mass merch stores, but have since expanded to include bookstores as well. As PW reported, Penguin is encouraging stores to carry the titles in floor displays rather than vie for and take up shelf space. Penguin will also just do one print run for the titles – in an effort to keep inventory and therefore returns to a minimum. (It’s been reported that the estimated print run for each of the titles will be in the mid-six figures).

On the pricier end of the spectrum, Maureen Donnelly, VP Director of Publicity, noted another recent Penguin backlist promotion – the Penguin Essential Editions. The series is taking bestselling titles from across imprints (ten titles are currently in the works such as The Secret Life of Bees, The Stone Diaries, The Kite Runner, The Bluest Eye) and buffing them up into a high end trade paperback with a $16 price point. “They’re beautifully designed, with a gifty look and it’s working,” Donnelly said. “They’re selling as nicely alongside the other editions.”

“Good publishers consistently find ways to reinvent their backlist – through promotions or repackaging – which gives the bookstore buyers and managers reason to help you,” De Vito said. Every year, reprints and new editions account for about 7-9% of the total number titles published in the US, according to Bowker.

Along with the numerous repacking and reprinting at Penguin to fluff up the backlist, Patrick Nolan, Marketing Director, says that they do offer “generous stock up options throughout the year,” although there isn’t an equivalent to HC’s Essential Backlist to date.

At Random House, Senior VP Director Sales and Marketing Anthony Ziccardi said, “We’re looking at Essential Backlist closely and waiting to see what happens.” At present, the ratio of backlist to frontlist at RH is about 60/40 according to Ziccardi. “There have been increased backlist sales this year over the last two,” he said. “Trade paperback has really grown, which is the biggest factor in the overall growth, even though mass market is down.” Ziccardi mentioned some other factors, as well, including the fact that the Da Vinci Code is now backlist.

To increase backlist sales, Ziccardi mentioned numerous initiatives. “We’re engaged in chain-driven value promotions with BN and Borders, running low price points, like $4.99, using mixed displays, general promotional opportunities, reading groups, spinner racks that come free when stores buy 72 books.” Unlike De Vito’s displays, he noted that most of RH’s displays do involve co-op dollars.

Perseus’ Goldberg said “In terms of marketing, I’m seeing ways in which we will begin to promote the backlist as a whole in more aggressive ways.” According to Goldberg, Perseus did traditional backlist stock offers for a long time, but then moved away from that model since they found that they weren’t rewarding sell-through in the stores. “Like Harper, we’re looking into various forms of incentive policies – like Essential Backlist, looking at the merge and purge, programs where we get printout of a stores holdings and tell them what they might be missing – how they could fill in the gaps,” he said.

The Infinite Shelf

“The basic difference between Brick and Mortar vs. an online venture is that it is incumbent upon Brick and Mortar stores to get as much out of backlist as they can. It behooves everyone to work that space as best they can,” Goldberg said. “The beautiful thing about Amazon is that the shelf space is infinite.”

Richard Davies, PR Manager of, an online marketplace of over 70 million new, used, rare and out of print books, said, “Over the past decade, the Internet has breathed life into countless titles that could have faded away into true backlist obscurity. Once the marketing behind a book drops away, the Web becomes the ideal method to ensure sales tick over.” He continued, “The term ‘backlist’ simply does not apply in the world of online bookselling.”

Random House’s Ziccardi also touted the success of the internet, “I think that Amazon is doing an especially good job in promoting trade paper backlist.” The reason lies not only in the infinite shelving as Goldberg pointed out, but in the instantaneous ease with which one can search that infinite space.
Ziccardi notes that publishers selling direct to consumers through their websites would be a possible vehicle for emulation. “We’ve delicately entered into direct to consumer, but it’s still very quiet at this point. We’re not doing anything to market it.”

And what of print on demand previously hailed as the savior of all inventory controls? Ingram‘s Lightning is reprinting thousands of OS titles for most major publishers (including Perseus who found it was no longer cost effective to operate their own Docutech machines). Yet the selling and marketing to consumers of this elusive piece of the backlist has yet to happen.

For RH titles that are POD, Ziccardi says that they let “key customers” know that they are available (i.e. retailers) but in turn the retailers don’t actively market them. “It’s more if someone comes in and specifically asks for them,” he said. However, once a direct to consumer venture is more firmly established, it could offer an opportunity for publishers to market POD titles to the general public. “We obviously wouldn’t tell them that they’re POD, we’d probably say ‘a rare, limited book’ but we’d be able to promote them,” Ziccardi said.

Regardless of all of the Long Tail inspired emphasis on the future of backlist sales residing in ether, many booksellers contend that their stores are just as full of backlist browsers as ever. City Lights’ buyer Paul Yamazaki said that backlist sales are at an all time high with much of the increase coming from university presses and independent press fiction. All of the 14 staff members regularly discuss backlist books they think deserve more attention or should be aquired.

Roxanne Coady, Founder of RJ Julia, echoed Morrow’s sentiment, “We find we’re a strong backlist store, generally about hand selling, and staff recommendations which may or may not be of current titles.” RJ Julia is using Above the Treeline (“a big help” according to Coady) and is getting involved with HC’s Essential Backlist. “I think that in times where there aren’t a lot of frontlist titles, everyone in the industry immediately looks to backlist as a way to keep interest up among readers,” she said. “It’s a cycle.”

New York May Have Been Book Country, But Texas Is Book Capitol

Many of you may have missed the literary event of the month as it took place in a red state (albeit in a blue town). To kick off the 10th Annual Texas Book Festival in Austin, David McCullough, Salman Rushdie, Liz Smith, and Alexander McCall Smith were on hand for the black-tie gala to raise money for the Texas Public Libraries.

Oddly so was the FBI, accompanying Alberto Gonzales on the day of Scooter’s indictment; as well as two cabinet secretaries, former Texas Governor Ann Richards, author Myla Goldberg, and newsman emeritus Dan Rather.

Better still almost 1,000 very rich Texans showed up to shell out $350 a plate—and it wasn’t the food and authors they were after—it was the silent auction, which boasted much Texas literary paraphernalia, including what looked like the Elephant Folio edition of James Michener‘s Texas, and a complete 12 volumes of Lemony Snicket signed by himself.

But we went to bed early, since at the crack of dawn all rose to begin the free-to-the public part of the Festival which includes some 150 authors taking over the entire Texas state capitol building for two solid days. (And it’s some building, Renaissance Revival, built in 1988, done in sunset red granite, and built on 22 acres right in the middle of the city—worthy of any northern architecture snob). Alexander McCall Smith presided in the Senate Chamber in his McCall tartan kilt; and Bill Clinton held court in the House chamber across the hall.

Rumor has it that Clinton found himself corralled by the Festival’s founder while on Air Force One headed to the Pope’s funeral in April. First Lady Laura Bush was determined to pull out all the stops for the 10th Anniversary of this Austin event of which she is the honorary chair.

And while Smith and Clinton were at it almost 100 people showed up to hear Myla Goldberg speak at the same moment, and thousands more to watch Lemony Snicket strut his stuff down at the historic Paramount Theater. Followed during the weekend by Eli Wallach, Ted Allen (from Queer Eye), Gary Wills, Mark Bittman, Sandra Cisneros, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jane Smiley, and Simon Winchester to name but a few.

Then there’s the local literature that is celebrated at this event. Texas is the only state that can rightly claim its own literature (if not culture) and it was proudly on display in Austin. From Kinky Friedman, to Roy Blount Jr., a panel on Weird Texas and a host of small press authors.

Readings were followed by long orderly lines at the autographing tents run by Barnes & Noble, the primary book sponsor of the event since its inception. Crowds usually run to over 25,000 people at the two-day festival and this year’s star-studded anniversary event had them all smiling in perfect weather.

For my money, the Texas Book Festival, and the Texas Library Association Convention held in April every year, are two of the most underrated book events of the year. Texas IS bigger than France, and may be even bigger hearted about its libraries. The festival has raised over $1.8 million at this event over the past 10 years.

PT thanks Robert Riger, VP Associate Publisher Barnes & Noble Educational Publishing, for sharing his Lone Star State adoration.

International Bestsellers: More for Your Messe

Corpse Bride (and Groom), Travels With Democracy
From Boxing to Bassoons

While many eyes in Hall 8 at the Frankfurt Book Fair were ogling Google, international publishers were juggling a flurry of deals on the heels of a rather upbeat year for most. Here is a sampling of some of the most prominent and promising wares on display at the rest of the Messe.

From the agent who brought you the international sensation, Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s The Shadow of the Wind, comes The Penultimate Dream, by a relative newcomer from Colombia, Ángela Becerra. Awarded this year’s Azorín Prize in Spain and named Best Colombian Fiction Book of 2005 by the Booksellers Association of Colombia, the novel begins when two strangers (who later learn they are brother and sister) are asked to identify a pair of corpses which turn out to be their parents wearing their old wedding clothes, who have committed suicide in an ancient apartment in Barcelona. The novel splits into two different plots, reconstructing the lives of the deceased and revealing that their love story began in Cannes in 1939 where she, the daughter of a wealthy Colombian, meets a Spaniard who immigrated to France where he earned his living as a waiter. As their story is unveiled, a very special relationship blossoms between their children. Rights have been sold to Editorial Notícias / Casa das Letras (Portugal), Corbaccio/ Longanesi (Italy), and Blanvalet/RH Group (Germany). Contact Antonia Kerrigan at the eponymous literary agency (Spain).

Political discourse is rarely shied away from at the Buchmesse, and the Gyldendal stand was no exception. This year’s hot new creative nonfiction release, The Suicide Mission, features “two Danish beanpoles,” Nielsen and Rasmussen, who crossed the border into Iraq on January 1, 2004, carrying only a metal case with the inscription “Democracy: Destination Iraq.” The narrator speaks from Baghdad in the year 2025 with an omniscient view of the weeks in 2004 when the two visited Iraq, following Americans from the Kuwaiti border to the Sunni triangle, through Basra into Baghdad. Hailed as a “chilling eyewitness report” and “among the best political art to have been accomplished both here and abroad in recent years,” the book explores the debate on democracy and Iraq and Europe’s role in the new millennium. A sample English translation is available and rights are on offer from Pernille Follmann Ballebye at Gyldendal (Denmark).

Renowned German novelist and playwright Hartmut Lange, whose prose “lets things pass by and allows life to be lived – in all its mundane monstrousness,” has garnered critical acclaim for his latest novella within a novella, The Wanderer. Matthias Bamberg is a successful novelist, whose latest work, also entitled The Wanderer, leads him on a winding personal adventure. Bamberg suspects his wife Anita is having an affair, a fear legitimized when she moves out of their apartment. He books a flight to Cape Town, where he hopes to find his wife and her lover. “A story of disturbance, in which reality begins to evaporate and the world of appearances starts to solidify into substance,” Lange’s tale travels to a bewildering and foreign world and expresses that life “cannot be explained, but must simply be endured.” Lange is published by El Acantilado (Spain), Fayard (France), Voland (Italy), Inostranka (Russia), Best Seller (Brazil), and Mintis (Lithuania). Rights are available from Susanne Bauknecht at Diogenes (Switzerland).

It’s 1973 and a small newspaper in Patagonia is celebrating its 50th anniversary by inviting each section of the paper to report on an event that took place in 1923 in Seconds Out of the Ring by Argentina’s Martín Kohan. Sports editor Verani and cultural reporter Ledesma choose their respective themes: the controversial boxing match between Argentinean Luis Firpo and US champion Jack Dempsey in New York, and a guest performance that year in Buenos Aires by the Viennese Philharmonic of Mahler’s First Symphony, conducted by Richard Strauss. Though the two events hardly seem related, they suddenly become linked by a note that Verani finds in the margin of a newspaper in the archives. On the night of the boxing match, it turns out, a dead body was found in a hotel on the same floor where members of the Viennese orchestra were staying. Is there a connection? Kohan brings in a surprising and amusing twist, producing a “perfect mosaic” of seemingly disparate events. Rights have been sold to Seuil (France) and Suhrkamp (Germany) and are available from Jordi Roca at Ray-Güde Mertin Literary Agency (Germany).

“Continuing the twentieth century’s great tradition of metropolitan novels,” Germany author Reinhard Jirgl paints a portrait of Berlin in 2002 as the meeting place of two men battered by personal and historical events in Renegade: A Novel From a Nervous Age. One is a journalist and recent divorcé in Hamburg who travels to Berlin to meet the love of his life, while the other, recently widowed, had been a border guard for the East German regime at Frankfurt Oder on the border of Poland. The latter falls for a young Ukrainian woman and helps her and her brother escape to Berlin illegally. The city of Berlin emerges as the third protagonist in the novel: “the city as a consuming monster and as [the] machinery which puts small people through the [ringers] before curing them.” Jirgl has been published in France (Quidam), Spain (RD), and Russia (Kolonna) and rights are held by Friederike Barakat at Hanser (Germany).

In Israel, debut author Agur Schiff has penned a cinematic plot which flows “from historical fact to local legend, from sultry Tel Aviv to cool London, from the agony of destiny to the triumph of coincidence.” In Bad Habits, Elimelech Ben-Zion, a former member of the notorious underground resistance movement, has brought his son Amiram from Israel to a London hospital for a liver transplant. Manning the tollbooth in the hospital’s parking garage is former adversary George Lilly, a veteran of the British secret police in Palestine. The two aging enemies embark on an adventure through the streets of London, reliving their reckless days at the end of the British Mandate in Israel and meeting a rag tag cast of characters along the way, including a “hapless, homeless and sometime philosopher,” Annabel, and a liaison officer at Scotland Yard who moonlights as an amateur Shakespearean actress. Contact Ines Austern at The Deborah Harris Agency (Israel) for rights.

Finally, our round-up would not be complete without a mention of amiable French auteur extraordinaire, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, who enchanted us all as guests of Albin Michel at Frankfurt’s Alte Oper with a reading of his latest book My Life With Mozart. It was accompanied by readings of translated editions by his foreign publishers, and even a rendition of a piece composed by Mozart at the ripe old age of 5 that was nothing short of charmant. Contact Solène Chabanais at Albin Michel (France) for rights.

Bookview, November 2005

Big moves this fall, with the news that FSG’s Editor-in-Chief John Glusman is stepping down at the end of the year, and that Annik LaFarge will move to Bloomsbury to become Publishing Director, starting November 14. Her position at Crown has been filled by Heather Jackson, who leaves Rodale after 2 years.

HarperCollins announced the appointment of Tina Andreadis as VP, Director of Publicity, for Harper Trade. She was formerly Deputy Director of Publicity at Warner Books. Elizabeth Viscott Sullivan has been named Senior Editor for Collins Design, and imprint of Collins. She reports to Marta Schooler, VP and Publisher.

Liate Stehlik is joining Avon as SVP Publisher — she was Associate Publisher at Pocket Books.

Ann Jackson, erstwhile of Time Inc., has been named CEO of WRC Media, parent of Weekly Reader. Emily Swenson resigned as President of Weekly Reader last month and Neal Goff has taken her place.
Lifestyle public relations firm Susan Magrino Agency has hired David Thalberg, former SVP at the book publicity agency, Planned Television Arts (PTA), for the newly-created role of Executive Director. Thalberg will report to agency President, Allyn Magrino.

Will Lippincott has resigned from Booz Allen – where he was editor of their publication strategy + business effective January ‘06 – to assume his agency duties full time at Lippincott Massie McQuilkin & Co. A search is underway for his replacement.

Jean Feiwel, Senior VP and Publisher has left Scholastic after 22 years with the company. Trade Sales Director Jack Perry (jackwperry38@,who came to Scholastic from Sourcebooks last year, has also left, as has former Director of Marketing, Jennifer Pasanen.

Ann Marie Resnick has been hired for the new position of VP, Marketing and Promotion in the book club division. She was VP, Marketing at Columbia House.

Gene Brissie has left Kensington, where he was Editor in Chief of Citadel Press, for The Lyons Press, where he is Associate Publisher. He may be reached at 203 458 4656 or

Carlo De Vito has left Penguin where he founded Chamberlain Brothers, and may be reached at He will be consulting part time with erstwhile Running Press colleague John Whalen in a new publishing venture, Cider Mill Press to be distributed by Sterling.

Ken Brooks has been named VP Global Production and Manufacturing Operations at Thomson Learning. He had been running his own company Publishing Dimensions.

Garrett White has been hired as the new Programs Coordinator at the New York office of the American Academy in Rome. His responsibilities include managing Rome Prize Competition and the Publications Program, and overseeing the Academy website. White is the former Director of Publications at the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

John Loudon has been named executive editor for religion books at Rowman & Littlefield and its Catholic imprint, Sheed & Ward. He was previously with HarperSan Francisco for 27 years. Meanwhile, the company has bought the assests of M. Evans & Co., one of the last remaining independent New York publishing houses.

Willa Perlman, who has left The Cheyenne Group, has announced the formation of a new firm, Ligature Partners, which will provide executive recruitment and consulting services

The Collins McCormick Literary Agency is now ‘Collins Literary’ and ‘McCormick & Williams’, with Leslie Falk and PJ Mark as part of the latter’s team.

Mary Ellen Curley, most recently Associate Publisher of the former Harper Information Group has been named Director of Development for English literature and composition at Longman Publishers, a division of Pearson Education. She may be reached at maryellen.curley@

David Wilk, Senior VP of Client Services, has left CDS, following its purchase by the Perseus Books Group. He has been named VP of Strategic Business Development at Resolution, Inc. based in Vermont and will serve as Resolution’s liaison to the book industry.

Bob Wallace has resigned as head of the Wenner Books line to “pursue other opportunities.”

James Benjamin former Senior Vice President Operations has left Baker & Taylor and may be reached at

Although apparently not announced, some time last summer Chris Capen closed down his Tehabi Books packaging imprint, unable to find needed investment.


Dedi Felman has been promoted to Executive Editor at OUP filling Tim Bartlett‘s position who went to RH.

Barb Burg was named SVP, Executive Director of Publicity and Public Relations, and Theresa Zoro was promoted to Director of Publicity at Bantam Dell. Susan Corcoran has resigned effective year-end after fifteen years in publicity.

At St. Martin‘s: Christina Harcar, Director of Rights, has been named a new VP; Monique Patterson is now Senior Editor; Jennifer Enderlin has been promoted to Associate Publisher for Griffin trade paperbacks and continues as Associate Publisher of mass market; Matthew Baldacci is now VP and Director of Marketing and Publishing Operations; and Joseph Rinaldi moves up to Director of Publicity for Thomas Dunne Books and Associate Director of publicity for St. Martin’s.

Jodi Harris has been promoted to executive editor in charge of Harper Kids Entertainment.

Roy Lipner has been named to head Kaplan Publishing, a new division that combines Kaplan’s existing trade publishing operation with its test prep operation, which was previously part of a joint imprint with S&S. Lipner was President of Kaplan’s existing publishing operation, Dearborn, and will continue to run it. Kaplan Publishing’s two divisions, test prep and now, trade, will be run by Maureen McMahon and Cynthia Zigmund respectively.

Disney‘s Children’s Book Group has announced the following promotions: At Hyperion Books for Children, Executive Editor Donna Bray moves up to Editorial Director. The Disney Press and Disney Editions lines have been consolidated under Wendy Lefkon, now Editorial Director. And Victoria Saxon has been promoted to Executive Editor. All three will report to Disney Children’s Editor in Chief Brenda Bowen.

Joe Bulger has been named VP, Client Management & Business Development in the newly created Distribution Client Unit at Simon & Schuster reporting to Joe D’Onforio. He was VP Business Operations in the Supply Chain department.


The Mercantile Library‘s Fall Benefit Awards honoring James Purdy and Nan Talese takes place at The Century Club on November 8th. For information call 212.755.6710.

“Making Books Happen,” The American Book Producers Association conference, takes place on November 9 at the Players Club. This year’s MC and keynote is PW Editor Sara Nelson and speakers include Perseus CEO David Steinberger, Chronicle‘s Jack Jensen and Scholastic‘s Lisa Holton. For information go to

On November 10 the Goddard Riverside Meet-the-Author Dinners take place at homes in and around New York. On November 18 the Book Bash takes place, and on November 19th and 20th the Book Sale runs. Go to for details.

The National Book Awards take place on November 16 at the Marriott Marquis (see Calendar page 8). Included in the list of honorees and presenters is Norman Mailer, Toni Morrison, Garrison Keillor, Joan Didion, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Ed Doctorow.

The Small Press Center‘s 20th Anniversary Celebration and Benefit will take place on November 30th . This year’s recipient of the Ben Award will be given to Peter Workman, by Steve Riggio. CBS‘s Mario Bosquez is the evening’s host. Meanwhile, the Eighteenth Independent and Small Press Book Fair will take place December 3-4 at The Small Press Center, 20 West 44 Street. There will be workshops, panel and readings. Publishers can still register to exhibit. For information email or go to

Following the immensely entertaining and successful event last year, CLMP is holding its Second A(nother) Good Spell benefit Spelling Bee at 7pm on November 14th. The event will take place at Exit Art, 475 10th Avenue. Register online at


Mazel Tov to former editor of PT, Jeff Byles, on the November release of his first book, Rubble: Unearthing the History of Demolition (Harmony). Byles will be reading at the Center for Architecture, 536 Laguardia Place, on November 22, at 6:30pm. For more information call: 212.968.1961

A Fair to Remember

Frankfurt. London. BookExpo. Cape Town? The triad of must-attend book fairs may become a quadrumvirate next year after the innauguration of Barcelona and Cape Town’s own. With equally idealistic mission statements, the Saló del Llibre and the Cape Town Book Fair will finally happen after ten years and two years of planning respectively. However, claiming a few days out of the already crowded calendar of international book fairs might prove to be a quest more quixotic than realistic.

Catalonia has been the publishing industry’s darling lately and last month’s announcement that Spain’s autonomous community will have the spotlight at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2007 did not shock many. The region also held the privileged position at the Guadalajara International Book Fair last year. The Guild of Catalan Editors and the Guild of Catalan Bookstores appear to be taking advantage of the hype by holding its own fair in November. The Saló del Llibre boasts a lineup of 400 activities over four days with 13,000 square meters available for the more than 220 exhibitors. All the major Spanish publishers, including Random House Mondadori, Grupo Planeta, DeBolsillo, and Círculo de Lectores, along with virtually every Catalan counterpart will host stands, but international publishers are conspicuously absent from the schedule. For the past 25 years, the Catalan publishing industry has been making up for the time lost during the 40 years of Franco’s dictatorship when speaking and writing Catalan was prohibido and book publishing suffered under strict laws of censorship. Organizations like the Catalan Publishers Association, established in 1978, hope to spread the word that Catalonia is a major publishing center and has been for over 500 years. By all counts their work is paying off. In 2003, books published in Catalan comprised roughly 10-15% of Spain’s output.

Although English-language books have long dominated Cape Town’s publishing industry, there are ten other official languages in South Africa and books in all of them will be featured at the Cape Town Book Fair, a joint venture between the Frankfurter Buchmesse and the Publishers Association of South Africa. The fair will take place in June, only a month before the 22nd Annual Zimbabwe International Book Fair. Organizers of the Harare event fear the new fair will overshadow the smaller one, but with Cape Town shaping up to have a “business” focus and Zimbabwe traditionally being more “cultural/regional,” many say the events are dissimilar enough to avoid competition. In fact, many say the Zimbabwe fair is on the way out. At a time when book fairs are booming, a dozen others are ready to take its place.