Tag Archives: Paulo Coelho

International Bestsellers, August 2018

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: China and Turkey. Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the…Continue Reading

Social Media for Children’s and Adult Books: Who Posts Where?

Look at some of the top authors on Twitter and you’ll see that the list is pretty evenly divided between authors of books for children and adults.  Paulo Coelho weighs in at 12.2 million, followed by JK Rowling at 11.3 million.  Then a steep fall to Anthony Bourdain (6.1) and John Green (5.33), Stephen King…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, July 2017

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Malaysia and Turkey. Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, November 2016

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Canada and Hungary. Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original….Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, October 2014

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Norway and China.  Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, July 2014

Every month, Publishing Trends runs fiction international bestsellers lists from four territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This month, our four regular territories are joined by two more: Malta and South Korea.  Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers, June 2013

We’re pleased to revive our monthly international bestseller lists, a popular feature from Publishing Trends’ newsletter days. In addition to Fiction bestseller lists from four regular territories–France, Germany, Italy, and Spain–one rotating slot will be devoted to a list from the country featured in that month’s International Article. In connection with this month’s article on…Continue Reading

Translated Literature

Of the nearly 200,000 books published in the United States each year, about 3% are translated. When you consider the category of literary fiction and poetry, that number shrinks to about 0.7%. That sliver of a pie graph was firmly placed in the back of Chad Post’s mind when he joined the University of Rochester…Continue Reading

International Bestsellers: Bienvenidos Audiolibros

Audiobooks Go Global, Competition Rises In Germany, Yoshi Mixes Tunes in Japan As PT continues its foray into the audio delivery of the word, we leave behind the car-loving Americans who drive twice the distance at a third of the cost, for the land of the TGV, the U-Bahn and the AVE. A land where…Continue Reading